On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 08:41:31AM +0100, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> This is (should be) correct. With LaTeX you can get the same with
>     \usepackage{lmodern}

Well, for some strange reason, it doesn't use the LM fonts.

> Support for LatinModern math has been added recently, so it might be
> that there are some bugs, but if there are bugs, it means that they
> have to be resolved before others have the same problems.
> With direct conversion to PDF (so, without the --dvi switch), your
> problems seem to disappear.


> The bug has to be resolved, but why not converting your EPS graphics
> into PDF and using pdfTeX (in pdf mode) instead? There should be an
> "epstopdf" script present in the TeX distribution among other
> "binaries".

Did that, and found that things are all right. I'll stop this thread
now, since my problems seem to have been resolved; all but the
``slightly poorer'' display which I seem to have on Acrobat, which
other's don't. But, as you say, using PDF graphics from epstopdf made
things all right.

Thanks a lot to all those who patiently replied!

Kumar Appaiah,
462, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

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