Hi Mighty ConTeXters!

I have a problem: when I process the XML file 'headertest.xml' below,
using 'headertest.tex' (below) with:

   texmfstart texexec --xtx headertest.tex

I get four pages of output (as expected) but on the last page (page 4 in
this case) the headline is missing (not expected). Why? And how can this
be fixed (i.e. header on all pages)? I experienced this problem with
other XML processing tasks, it is always the header on the last page
that is missing (one can test this by changing the times parameter of
the repeat tag in the XML file).

Thank you & Cheers!
Ulf Martin

=== XML ===

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- FILE(headertest.xml) -->
  <header text="Header Test Document" />
  <repeat times="10">
    <sectiontitle>Header Test section</sectiontitle>
    <knuth />
<!-- ENDFILE(headertest.xml) -->

=== TeX ===

%% FILE(headertest.tex)
\defineXMLargument [repeat] {\dorecurse{\XMLpar{repeat}{times}{}}}
\defineXMLargument [sectiontitle] {\section}
\defineXMLsingular [knuth] {\input knuth\par\ }
\defineXMLsingular [header]


\processXMLfilegrouped {headertest.xml}
%% ENDFILE(headertest.tex)
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