On Mon, 05 Mar 2007 13:43:51 +0100
Xan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,

Hi Xan,

> I'm new user of context. I gone from latex, which I use in the last 5 
> years intensively
> I read your wiki but I don't find some answers to my wishes. Basically I 
> want to know what are the equivalent of latex commands/packages in 
> context. Can you help me in thay?. Thanks in advance.... so let's go:
> 1) The first question is about landscape mode and xdvi. In latex, if we 
> want landscape, we put:
> \documentclass[a4paper,10ptt,landscape]{article}
> but when we see .dvi in xdvi, xdvi does not detects automatically that 
> it's in landscape mode.
> For that, we have to put:
> \usepackage[dvips,...]{geometry}
> now the xdvi show .dvi in landscape mode
> The question is, how we get the same in context?. If we put:
> \setuppapersize[A4,landscape][A4,landscape]
> the xdvi program does not detect that .dvi is in landscape mode. Is 
> there an equivalent command of geometry that allow that?

ConTeXt use PDF as default output format. A short test with the dvips
way show a rotated content but the page is not roatated, this seems to
be not suported

> 2) In latex there is the fancyhdr package that allows to put lines at 
> bottom and at top of the page and put right and left headings and 
> footers like: \rhead{Hello} ....
> What is the equivalent in context?

The ConTeXt method for headers is:

\setupheadertexts[centered on odd and even page]
\setupheadertexts[left on odd and even page][right on odd and even page]
\setupheadertexts[left on even page][right on even page]
                 [left on odd page][right on odd page]

The same methos id used for footer with \setupfootertexts instead of

I attached a file that provides another way to set the headers and
footers in your document. You can use it with the command 
\usemodule[wolf-txt]. A few examples can be found in the source.

> 3) Is there an equivalent to the package lastpage in context? So can we 
> put [number of page]/[total number of pages] at the bottom of the page?


> 4) How can we create new counters in context? Like latex 
> \newcounter{mycount}

You can use the plain TeX command \newcount\mycount or the ConTeXt
command \newcounter\mycount to create a counter. The ConTeXt methos
provides also the two commands \increment\mycount to increase your own
counter by one and the command \decrement\mycount to reduce your own
counter by one.

> 5) In mathematics, in context there are three modules: "nath", "amsl", 
> "new math", according to http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Math
> What are these features and limitations? What is the "best"?

ConTeXt provides now many functions from these modules by default.
Aditya wrote a few articles about the new option for maths in his My
Ways and at the wiki.

Please take a look at the following articles


> 6) Is there an equivalent module of xyfig?

Do you mean xypic?

Take a look at Tikz/Pgf:


or MetaPost/MetaFun:


bot come with their own manuals.

> 7) Is there an equivalence of amssymbols?. How can I display for example 
> $x \leadsto \int_a^b \arcsin (x+\cos \alhpa)$?

This should work by default. AFAIK the AMS symbols are enabled by
default in ConTeXT. A short test worked without problems.

> 8) How can we do a "minipage" in context?

You can use the more powerful frame environemnt.




> 9) Can you tell me some link about babel and hipernation?

You set the language for your document with the \mainlanguage[xx] and
the \language[xx] commands where "xx" stands for your language id as
"en" for english.

> Thank you very much,
> Xan.

%D \module
%D   [       file=wolf-txt,
%D        version=2006.10.28,
%D          title=\CONTEXT\ User Module,
%D       subtitle=Texts,
%D         author=Wolfgang Schuster,
%D           date=\currentdate,
%D      copyright=Wolfgang Schuster]

\writestatus{loading}{Context User Module / Texts}






%D \macros
%D  {settoptexts, setheadertexts, settexttexts,
%D   setfootertexts, setbottomtexts}
%D \starttyping
%D \setheadertexts
%D   [reset]
%D \setheadertexts
%D   [left=odd left,middle=odd middle,right=odd right]
%D \setheadertexts
%D   [text]
%D   [left=odd left,middle=odd middle,right=odd right]
%D \setheadertexts
%D   [left=odd left,middle=odd middle,right=odd right]
%D   [left=even left,middle=even middle,right=even right]
%D \setheadertexts
%D   [text]
%D   [left=odd left,middle=odd middle,right=odd right]
%D   [left=even left,middle=even middle,right=even right]
%D \stoptyping

\def\settoptexts    {\doquadrupleempty\dosetextendedtexts[\v!top]}
\def\setheadertexts {\doquadrupleempty\dosetextendedtexts[\v!header]}
\def\settexttexts   {\doquadrupleempty\dosetextendedtexts[\v!text]}
\def\setfootertexts {\doquadrupleempty\dosetextendedtexts[\v!footer ]}
\def\setbottomtexts {\doquadrupleempty\dosetextendedtexts[\v!bottom]}

%\def\dosettextcontent[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]% header text middle text/text
%  {\iffifthargument
%     \setvalue{\??tk#1#2\executeifdefined{:\c!text:#3:}\c!middletext}%
%       {\dodoubletexts{\??tk#1}{#2}%
%          {\c!leftstyle \c!leftcolor \c!leftwidth }{#4}%
%          {\c!rightstyle\c!rightcolor\c!rightwidth}{#5}}%
%   \else\iffourthargument
%     \setvalue{\??tk#1#2\executeifdefined{:\c!text:#3:}\c!middletext}%
%       {\dodoubletexts{\??tk#1}{#2}%
%          {\c!leftstyle \c!leftcolor \c!leftwidth }{#4}%
%          {\c!rightstyle\c!rightcolor\c!rightwidth}{#4}}%
%   \else\ifthirdargument
%     \setvalue{\??tk#1#2\c!middletext}%
%       {\dodoubletexts{\??tk#1}{#2}%
%          {\c!leftstyle \c!leftcolor \c!leftwidth }{#3}%
%          {\c!rightstyle\c!rightcolor\c!rightwidth}{#3}}%
%   \fi\fi\fi}

     \getparameters[\????tx\v!left] [#3]
       {\getparameters[\????tx\v!left] [#3]
       {\getparameters[\????tx\v!left] [#2]
       {\getparameters[\????tx\v!left] [#2]

          {\c!leftstyle \c!leftcolor \c!leftwidth }{\useifdefined{\????tx\v!left \v!left  }}%
          {\c!rightstyle\c!rightcolor\c!rightwidth}{\useifdefined{\????tx\v!right\v!left  }}}%
          {\c!leftstyle \c!leftcolor \c!leftwidth }{\useifdefined{\????tx\v!left \v!middle}}%
          {\c!leftstyle \c!leftcolor \c!leftwidth }{\useifdefined{\????tx\v!left \v!right }}%
          {\c!rightstyle\c!rightcolor\c!rightwidth}{\useifdefined{\????tx\v!right\v!right }}}}

     {\letvalue{\??tk#1##1\c!lefttext  }\empty
      \letvalue{\??tk#1##1\c!righttext }\empty}

%  {\bgroup
%   \expandafter\convertargument#6\to\ascii
%   \doifsomething\ascii
%     {\doattributes{#1#2}#3#4%
%        {\placetextlinestrut{#1}% here !
%        %\doifdefinedelse{\??mk\ascii\c!coupling} % brrr
%         \doifelsemarking\ascii
%           {\dolimitatetexts{#1#2#5}{\getmarking[\ascii][\v!first]}}
%           {\ConvertConstantAfter\doifelse\v!pagenumber{#6}
%               \@@plaatspaginanummer
%              {\ConvertConstantAfter\doifelse\v!date{#6}
%                 {\currentdate}
%                 {% #6{}{}{} -> {} needed for macros that look
%                  % ahead, like \uniqueMPgraphic
%                  \opeenregel\dolimitatetexts{#1#2#5}{#6{}{}{}}}}}}}%
%  \egroup}

        {\placetextlinestrut{#1}% here !

%  {\doifoddpageelse
%     {\dosingletexts{#1}{#2}#3{#4}}  % #3 => provides three arguments
%     {\dosingletexts{#1}{#2}#5{#6}}} % #5 => provides three arguments

     [EMAIL PROTECTED]  % #3 => provides three arguments
     [EMAIL PROTECTED] % #5 => provides three arguments

%D \macros{presettext}
%D The next example demonstrates how we can use this
%D mechanism to provide page (event) dependent text lines.
%D \starttyping
%D \presettext[chapter][footer][middle=pagenumber]
%D \setuphead[chapter][header=high,footer=chapter]
%D \setheadertexts[middle=pagenumber]
%D \setfootertexts[left=left,right=right]
%D \chapter{eerste} \dorecurse{20}{\input tufte \relax}
%D \chapter{tweede} \dorecurse{20}{\input tufte \relax}
%D \stoptyping

%  {\doseventupleempty\dodefinetext}


%  {\ifseventhargument
%     \setvalue{\??tk#2#3#1}{\dosixtupleempty\dosetuptexts[#2][#3][#4][#5][#6][#7]}%
%   \else\ifsixthargument
%     \setvalue{\??tk  #2#1}{\dosixtupleempty\dosetuptexts[#2][#3][#4][#5][#6]}%
%   \else\iffifthargument
%     \setvalue{\??tk#2#3#1}{\dosixtupleempty\dosetuptexts[#2][#3][#4][#5]}%
%   \else\iffourthargument
%     \setvalue{\??tk  #2#1}{\dosixtupleempty\dosetuptexts[#2][#3][#4]}%
%   \else
%     \setvalue{\??tk  #2#1}{\dosixtupleempty\dosetuptexts[#2][#3]}%
%   \fi\fi\fi\fi}

     \setvalue{\??tk  #2#1}{\doquadrupleempty\dosetextendedtexts[#2][#3][#4]}%
     \setvalue{\??tk  #2#1}{\doquadrupleempty\dosetextendedtexts[#2][#3]}%

\protect \endinput
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