Hans Hagen wrote:
> Peter Rolf wrote:
>> hi,
>> i'm tired of fixing \dogetfigurefilename in every new version. i have
>> already shown that there is something wrong with it in my mail from
>> 17.01.2007
>> http://archive.contextgarden.net/message/20070117.153030.344c6989.en.html
>> i don't say, that i understand the complex code for figure inclusion,
>> but it is obvious that the following code is at least questionable.
>> (taken from x-fig-00.tex and x-res-04.tex)
>> \def\dogetfigurefilename#1%
>>   {\ifx\figurefilename\empty
>>      \bgroup
>>      \xdef\figurefilebasepath{#1}%
>>      \assignfullfilename{#1}\figurefilebase\to\filename
>>      \expanded{\processXMLfilegrouped{\filename.xml}}%
>>      \ifx\figurefilename\empty\else
>> %    ^^^^^^
>> %    is already tested in the prior \ifx test; if it's not changed
>> %       in the meantime...(\filename?)
> indeed it can be changed  when filename.xml has the right info

this one can be ok (sorry, had no time to look into
\processXMLfilegrouped). :(

also i haven't changed this part in my patch, so ..

>> %
>>        \globallet\figurefilebase\figurefilebase
>> %                               ^^^^^^
>> %              does *nothing* (\filename works for me)
> you mean
> \globallet\figurefilebase\filename ? 

i use \setupexternalfigure to set the path to my figure bases (xml and
pdf in the same dir './flib'). with \filename it works, without it the
pdf file is not found (\traceexternalfigurestrue).

>>      \fi
>>      \egroup
>>    \fi}
>> i have worked with a patched version for the last two month and had no
>> (more) problems with figure inclusion. without it the pdf figure base is
>> not found, although the corresponding xml file (which is found) is in
>> the same directory. any comments are welcome.
>> greetings, peter
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