On Sun, 15 Apr 2007 16:23:35 +0100
Sanjoy Mahajan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > If you set prologues := 1 in the mp file, that should help.
> That still gave Courier fonts after including fig.1 in test.ps.
> > In a new metapost (texlive2007) you can even generate an
> > image with the font included by using prologues := 3.
> That worked.  [I'm using MetaPost 0.993 (Web2C 7.5.6) from the Debian
> texlive2007-2 packages.]
> >From p.24 of the corresponding mpman.pdf manual:
>    It is worth noting that the default value prologues:=0 is
>    sufficient for graphics included in TEX-based documents.
> Does that need a slight exception added to it?  Or have I
> misconfigured something in the toolchain from .tex + .mp to .ps?  By
> the way, the figure works fine with prologues := 0 if I include it
> (using epsf.tex) in a plain-TeX document.
> So I think there's something slightly off about what ConTeXt is doing.
> -Sanjoy

Hi Sanjoy,

can also try to create the pd file by hand with "dvips -Ppdf test",
that gave a correct output on my system.

The texexec way used Courier in the PS-File, the dvips use cmr10 in the

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