On 8/26/07, Arthur Reutenauer wrote:
> > But I do use MarkIV. I cannot take Mojca file because don't know where. :)

On http://wiki.contextgarden.net/LilyPond you can find some
information. You need to place t-lilypond.tex to a curent folder or to
[place where your tex installation resides]/tex/context/third/ and run
mktexlsr (and/or luatools --generate, I'm not sure).

Only add an additional line after this one:
\def\PDF{texmfstart --ifchanged=\lily!filename.eps pstopdf \lily!filename.eps}
\ifx\savebuffer\undefined \else \savebuffer[lilypond-\the\lily!figures]\fi

Actually Hraban is in charge for doing uploading a new version to the garden

>   It's t-lilypond.tex you mentioned. Sent by Mojca to the list at 10:35:17 CET
> today, and it works fine with Mark IV (thanks, Mojca :-).

You should express your thanks to Hans, not to me, because he wrote
the patch, I only applied it at the right place.

(I didn't test yet, but I would bet that at least R, VIM and some
other modules fail in the same way as well.)

I now tried to generate a new documentation with "--module", but
interestingly LuaTeX fails at

! Undefined control sequence.
\beginofpretty [#1]->\startcolormode
                                     {\prettypalet :#1}
l.3 \bop[prettytwo]
                   \char92 unprotect\eop
\nododowithbuffer ...ua {buffers.type("_typing_")}
                                                  \endofverbatimlines \getva...
l.73 \stopdefinition


and pdfTeX fails at

systems         : begin file texexec at line 4
system          : module lilypond loaded
(./t-lilypond.tex) (./texexec-sample.tmp
! Undefined control sequence.
\dosavebuffer [#1]->\ctxlua
\dodostartlilypond ...ilypond-\the \lily!figures ]
                                                  \fi \ifeof 18 \installprog...
l.12 \stoplilypond


Don't ask me why it works when used as a module, but fails when module
documentation has to be typeset.

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net
archive  : https://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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