Santy, Michael schrieb:
>> The same as in my first reply. Look at the first page with the text
>> only. There isn't a space behind the sentence(s) and TeX can't break the
>> paragraph (text expands it's lower border). This also breaks the
>> splitting of the table, as it is (partly) on the same page.
> Peter, all of the information that you've sent me has been very
> educational, but I think you may be focusing too much on the approach

maybe, but it's the only thing i had :)

> that I've used to illustrate the errant table splitting behavior.  The
> example below also illustrates this behavior and does not extend the
> text below its lower border as did the previous example. 

page 1 : text
page 2 : header with one row
page 3 : header with rest of table

and this time i have no explanation.

> This is of course a contrived example -- I unfortunately cannot post a
> real example.  You can slightly change the layout and the problem will
> going away (for this particular document).  The problem is that my
> ConTeXt rendering layer has to process arbitrary XML input and this very
> same behavior pops up in documents regardless of the layout.  Making
> adjustments to the layout, font size, etc will just change where the
> problem manifests itself.  It is still possible that I'm doing something
> wrong, but my gut tells me that it is a bug in the context natural table
> splitting code.
i have looked into your source and the only thing that was irritating to
me is that fact, that you use 'split' twice.

> \placetable[split]{Broken Split Table}{%
> \bTABLE[split=repeat]

the second one looks ok for me, but the first one is fishy. i have
looked into the definition of \placefloat and there is no option 'split'.


[...]              left right here top bottom inleft inright inmargin
margin leftmargin
                   rightmargin leftedge rightedge innermargin
outermargin inneredge outeredge
                   inner outer line high low fit page opposite always
force tall reset line
                   height depth
{...}              <text>
{...}              <text>

it can be seen as ref(erence), but the funny thing is, that the problems
vanished, if i delete the '[split]' after placetable or complete it to
'[here] [split]' (split as reference).

give it a try (and ask hans about the why). ;)

best wishes, peter

> \setuppapersize[letter][letter]
> \setuplayout[textwidth=6.5in,
>              width=middle,
>              height=middle,
>              footer=3\bodyfontsize,
>              footerdistance=\bodyfontsize,
>              header=0pt,
>              headerdistance=0pt,
>              top=\bodyfontsize,
>              topdistance=\bodyfontsize,
>              topspace=0.8in,
>              bottom=\bodyfontsize,
>              bottomdistance=0.5\bodyfontsize,
>              bottomspace=0.8in,
>              location=middle]
> \showframe
> \usetypescript[times][ec]
> \setupbodyfont[times,13pt]
> \setupwhitespace[big]
> \starttext
> Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
> Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
> Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
> Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
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> Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
> Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
> Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
> Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
> Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
> Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
> Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
> Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
> Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
> \placetable[split]{Broken Split Table}{%
> \bTABLE[split=repeat]
> \bTABLEhead
> \bTR 
> \bTH Header A \eTH
> \bTH Header B \eTH
> \eTR
> \eTABLEhead
> \bTABLEbody
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \bTR
> \bTC A \eTC
> \bTC B \eTC
> \eTR
> \eTABLEbody
> }
> \stoptext
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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