Am 27.11.2008 um 20:44 schrieb Bart C. Wise:

> Hans,
> I tried the changes, but now footnotes do not appear at all!
> Here's a copy of the code that I used (combining both Hans' and  
> Taco's changes
> -- although I tried several variants).
> local s = lpeg.Ct(lpeg.splitat(","))
> local h = { }
> function commands.doifcommonelse(a,b)
>        local ha = h[a]
>        local hb = h[b]
>        if not ha then ha = {s:match(a)} h[a] = ha end
>        if not hb then hb = {s:match(b)} h[b] = hb end
>        for i=1,#ha do
>                for j=1,#hb do
>                        if ha[i] == hb[j] then
>                                return cs.testcase(true)
>                        end
>                end
>        end
>        return cs.testcase(false)
> end
> function commands.doifinsetelse(a,b)
>        local hb = h[b]
>        if not hb then hb = {s:match(b)} h[b] = hb end
>        for i=1,#hb do
>                if a == hb[i] then
>                        return cs.testcase(true)
>                end
>        end
>        return cs.testcase(false)
> end
> Ideas?

You should tell us what you have done, I replaced the old function
in core-job.lua with the new from Hans and I get endnotes with your
test file.


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