Thanks a lot.


> Od:
> Komu: mailing list for ConTeXt users <>
> Datum: 18.04.2009 10:12
> Předmět: Re: [NTG-context] Height of square root
>Tomas Kisela wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> > There's my issue:
>> If I switch a size of body font, the height of square root doesn't adapt 
>> well for letters exceeding a baseline (in my example "y"). Here is my code:
>> > starttext
>> startformula >  sqrt{x^2+y^2} sqrt{x^2+a^2}
>> stopformula
>> switchtobodyfont[17pt]
>> startformula >  sqrt{x^2+y^2} sqrt{x^2+a^2}
>> stopformula
>> switchtobodyfont[23pt]
>> startformula >  sqrt{x^2+y^2} sqrt{x^2+a^2}
>> stopformula
>> stoptext
>> > Do you have any ideas what's the problem and how can I fix it?
>There is a bug in math-dim.lua: the Umathradicalvgap parameters are not
>set up properly. Attached is an improved version. Hans, can you put the
>fix in the next beta?
>Best wishes,
>if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['math-dim'] = {
>    version   = 1.001,
>    comment   = "companion to math-ini.tex",
>    author    = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
>    copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
>    license   = "see context related readme files"
>-- Beware: only Taco really understands what these dimensions do so if you
>-- run into problems ...
>local abs, next = math.abs, next
>mathematics = mathematics or { }
>local defaults = {
>    ['axis']={
>        ['default']={ "AxisHeight", "axis_height" },
>    },
>    ['accent_base_height']={
>        ['default']={ "AccentBaseHeight", "x_height" },
>    },
>    ['fraction_del_size']={
>        ['default']={ "0", "delim2" },
>        ['cramped_display_style']={ "0", "delim1" },
>        ['display_style']={ "0", "delim1" },
>     },
>    ['fraction_denom_down']={
>        ['default']={ "FractionDenominatorShiftDown", "denom2" },
>        ['cramped_display_style']={ 
> "FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleShiftDown", "denom1" },
>        ['display_style']={ "FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleShiftDown", 
> "denom1" },
>     },
>    ['fraction_denom_vgap']={
>        ['default']={ "FractionDenominatorGapMin", "default_rule_thickness" },
>        ['cramped_display_style']={ "FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleGapMin", 
> "3*default_rule_thickness" },
>        ['display_style']={ "FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleGapMin", 
> "3*default_rule_thickness" },
>     },
>    ['fraction_num_up']={
>        ['default']={ "FractionNumeratorShiftUp", "num2" },
>        ['cramped_display_style']={ "FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleShiftUp", 
> "num1" },
>        ['display_style']={ "FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleShiftUp", "num1" },
>     },
>     ['fraction_num_vgap']={
>        ['default']={ "FractionNumeratorGapMin", "default_rule_thickness" },
>        ['cramped_display_style']={ "FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleGapMin", 
> "3*default_rule_thickness" },
>        ['display_style']={ "FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleGapMin", 
> "3*default_rule_thickness" },
>     },
>    ['fraction_rule']={
>        ['default']={ "FractionRuleThickness", "default_rule_thickness" },
>     },
>    ['limit_above_bgap']={
>        ['default']={ "UpperLimitBaselineRiseMin", "big_op_spacing3" },
>     },
>    ['limit_above_kern']={
>        ['default']={ "0", "big_op_spacing5" },
>     },
>    ['limit_above_vgap']={
>        ['default']={ "UpperLimitGapMin", "big_op_spacing1" },
>     },
>    ['limit_below_bgap']={
>        ['default']={ "LowerLimitBaselineDropMin", "big_op_spacing4" },
>     },
>    ['limit_below_kern']={
>        ['default']={ "0", "big_op_spacing5" },
>     },
>    ['limit_below_vgap']={
>        ['default']={ "LowerLimitGapMin", "big_op_spacing2" },
>     },
>--~     ['....']={
>--~         ['default']={ "DisplayOperatorMinHeight", "....." },
>--~     },
>    ['overbar_kern']={
>        ['default']={ "OverbarExtraAscender", "default_rule_thickness" },
>     },
>    ['overbar_rule']={
>        ['default']={ "OverbarRuleThickness", "default_rule_thickness" },
>     },
>    ['overbar_vgap']={
>        ['default']={ "OverbarVerticalGap", "3*default_rule_thickness" },
>     },
>    ['quad']={
>        ['default']={ "font_size(f)", "math_quad" },
>     },
>    ['radical_kern']={
>        ['default']={ "RadicalExtraAscender", "default_rule_thickness" },
>     },
>    ['radical_rule']={
>        ['default']={ "RadicalRuleThickness", "<not set>" },
>     },
>    ['radical_vgap']={
>        ['default']={ "RadicalVerticalGap", 
> "default_rule_thickness+(abs(default_rule_thickness)/4)" },
>        ['display_style']={ "RadicalDisplayStyleVerticalGap", 
> "default_rule_thickness+(abs(math_x_height)/4)" },
>     },
>    ['space_after_script']={
>        ['default']={ "SpaceAfterScript", "script_space" },
>     },
>    ['stack_denom_down']={
>        ['default']={ "StackBottomShiftDown", "denom2" },
>        ['cramped_display_style']={ "StackBottomDisplayStyleShiftDown", 
> "denom1" },
>        ['display_style']={ "StackBottomDisplayStyleShiftDown", "denom1" },
>     },
>    ['stack_num_up']={
>        ['default']={ "StackTopShiftUp", "num3" },
>        ['cramped_display_style']={ "StackTopDisplayStyleShiftUp", "num1" },
>        ['display_style']={ "StackTopDisplayStyleShiftUp", "num1" },
>     },
>    ['stack_vgap']={
>        ['default']={ "StackGapMin", "3*default_rule_thickness" },
>        ['cramped_display_style']={ "StackDisplayStyleGapMin", 
> "7*default_rule_thickness" },
>        ['display_style']={ "StackDisplayStyleGapMin", 
> "7*default_rule_thickness" },
>     },
>    ['sub_shift_down']={
>        ['default']={ "SubscriptShiftDown", "sub1" },
>     },
>    ['sub_shift_drop']={
>        ['default']={ "SubscriptBaselineDropMin", "sub_drop" },
>     },
>    ['sub_sup_shift_down']={
>        ['default']={ "SubscriptShiftDown", "sub2" },
>     },
>    ['sub_top_max']={
>        ['default']={ "SubscriptTopMax", "abs(math_x_height*4)/5" },
>     },
>    ['subsup_vgap']={
>        ['default']={ "SubSuperscriptGapMin", "4*default_rule_thickness" },
>     },
>    ['sup_bottom_min']={
>        ['default']={ "SuperscriptBottomMin", "abs(math_x_height)/4" },
>     },
>    ['sup_shift_drop']={
>        ['default']={ "SuperscriptBaselineDropMax", "sup_drop" },
>     },
>    ['sup_shift_up']={
>        ['cramped_display_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUpCramped", "sup3" },
>        ['cramped_script_script_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUpCramped", "sup3" 
> },
>        ['cramped_script_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUpCramped", "sup3" },
>        ['cramped_text_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUpCramped", "sup3" },
>        ['display_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUp", "sup1" },
>        ['script_script_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUp", "sup2" },
>        ['script_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUp", "sup2" },
>        ['text_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUp", "sup2" },
>     },
>    ['sup_sub_bottom_max']={
>        ['default']={ "SuperscriptBottomMaxWithSubscript", 
> "abs(math_x_height*4)/5" },
>     },
>    ['underbar_kern']={
>        ['default']={ "UnderbarExtraDescender", "0" },
>     },
>    ['underbar_rule']={
>        ['default']={ "UnderbarRuleThickness", "default_rule_thickness" },
>    },
>    ['underbar_vgap']={
>        ['default']={ "UnderbarVerticalGap", "3*default_rule_thickness" },
>    },
>    ['connector_overlap_min']={
>        ['default']={ "MinConnectorOverlap", "0.25*default_rule_thickness" },
>     },
>    ['over_delimiter_vgap']={
>        ['default']={ "StretchStackGapBelowMin", "big_op_spacing1" },
>    },
>    ['over_delimiter_bgap']={
>        ['default']={ "StretchStackTopShiftUp", "big_op_spacing3" },
>    },
>    ['under_delimiter_vgap']={
>        ['default']={ "StretchStackGapAboveMin", "big_op_spacing2" },
>    },
>    ['under_delimiter_bgap']={
>        ['default']={ "StretchStackBottomShiftDown", "big_op_spacing4" },
>    },
>local styles = {
>    'cramped_display_style',
>    'cramped_script_script_style',
>    'cramped_script_style',
>    'cramped_text_style',
>    'display_style',
>    'script_script_style',
>    'script_style',
>    'text_style',
>for k, v in next, defaults do
>    for _, s in next, styles do
>        if not v[s] then
>            v[s] = v.default
>        end
>    end
>-- we cannot use a metatable because we do a copy (takes a bit more work)
>-- local mt = { }  setmetatable(defaults,mt)
>-- mt.__index = function(t,s)
>-- texio.write_nl("GETTING " .. s)
>--     return t.default or t.text_style or 0
>-- end
>function mathematics.dimensions(dimens)
>    if dimens.SpaceAfterScript then
>        return { }, table.fastcopy(dimens)
>    elseif dimens.AxisHeight or dimens.axis_height then
>        local t = { }
>        local math_x_height = dimens.x_height or 10*65526
>        local default_rule_thickness = dimens.FractionDenominatorGapMin or 
> dimens.default_rule_thickness or 0.4*65526
>        dimens["0"] = 0
>        dimens["0.25*default_rule_thickness"] = default_rule_thickness/4
>        dimens["3*default_rule_thickness"] = 3*default_rule_thickness
>        dimens["4*default_rule_thickness"] = 4*default_rule_thickness
>        dimens["7*default_rule_thickness"] = 7*default_rule_thickness
>        dimens["abs(math_x_height*4)/5"] = abs(math_x_height * 4) / 5
>        dimens["default_rule_thickness+(abs(default_rule_thickness)/4)"] = 
> default_rule_thickness+(abs(default_rule_thickness)/4)
>        dimens["default_rule_thickness+(abs(math_x_height)/4)"] = 
> default_rule_thickness+(abs(math_x_height)/4)
>        dimens["abs(math_x_height)/4"] = abs(math_x_height)/4
>        dimens["abs(math_x_height*4)/5"] = abs(math_x_height*4)/5
>        dimens["<not set>"] = false
>        dimens["script_space"] = false -- at macro level
>        for variable, styles in next, defaults do
>            local tt = { }
>            for style, default in next, styles do
>                local one, two = default[1], default[2]
>                local value = dimens[one]
>                if value then
>                    tt[style] = value
>                else
>                    value = dimens[two]
>                    if value == false then
>                        tt[style] = nil
>                    else
>                        tt[style] = value or 0
>                    end
>                end
>            end
>            t[variable] = tt
>        end
>        local d = {
>            AxisHeight                                  = t . axis             
>      . text_style,
>            AccentBaseHeight                            = t . 
> accent_base_height    . text_style,
>            FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleGapMin       = t . 
> fraction_denom_vgap   . display_style,
>            FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleShiftDown    = t . 
> fraction_denom_down   . display_style,
>            FractionDenominatorGapMin                   = t . 
> fraction_denom_vgap   . text_style,
>            FractionDenominatorShiftDown                = t . 
> fraction_denom_down   . text_style,
>            FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleGapMin         = t . 
> fraction_num_vgap     . display_style,
>            FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleShiftUp        = t . fraction_num_up  
>      . display_style,
>            FractionNumeratorGapMin                     = t . 
> fraction_num_vgap     . text_style,
>            FractionNumeratorShiftUp                    = t . fraction_num_up  
>      . text_style,
>            FractionRuleThickness                       = t . fraction_rule    
>      . text_style,
>            LowerLimitBaselineDropMin                   = t . limit_below_bgap 
>      . text_style,
>            LowerLimitGapMin                            = t . limit_below_vgap 
>      . text_style,
>            OverbarExtraAscender                        = t . overbar_kern     
>      . text_style,
>            OverbarRuleThickness                        = t . overbar_rule     
>      . text_style,
>            OverbarVerticalGap                          = t . overbar_vgap     
>      . text_style,
>            RadicalDisplayStyleVerticalGap              = t . radical_vgap     
>      . display_style,
>            RadicalExtraAscender                        = t . radical_kern     
>      . text_style,
>            RadicalRuleThickness                        = t . radical_rule     
>      . text_style,
>            RadicalVerticalGap                          = t . radical_vgap     
>      . text_style,
>            SpaceAfterScript                            = t . 
> space_after_script    . text_style,
>            StackBottomDisplayStyleShiftDown            = t . stack_denom_down 
>      . display_style,
>            StackBottomShiftDown                        = t . stack_denom_down 
>      . text_style,
>            StackDisplayStyleGapMin                     = t . stack_vgap       
>      . display_style,
>            StackGapMin                                 = t . stack_vgap       
>      . text_style,
>            StackTopDisplayStyleShiftUp                 = t . stack_num_up     
>      . display_style,
>            StackTopShiftUp                             = t . stack_num_up     
>      . text_style,
>            SubscriptBaselineDropMin                    = t . sub_shift_drop   
>      . text_style,
>            SubscriptShiftDown                          = t . sub_shift_down   
>      . text_style,
>            SubscriptTopMax                             = t . sub_top_max      
>      . text_style,
>            SubSuperscriptGapMin                        = t . subsup_vgap      
>      . text_style,
>            SuperscriptBaselineDropMax                  = t . sup_shift_drop   
>      . text_style,
>            SuperscriptBottomMaxWithSubscript           = t . 
> sup_sub_bottom_max    . text_style,
>            SuperscriptBottomMin                        = t . sup_bottom_min   
>      . text_style,
>            SuperscriptShiftUp                          = t . sup_shift_up     
>      . text_style,
>            SuperscriptShiftUpCramped                   = t . sup_shift_up     
>      . cramped_text_style,
>            UnderbarExtraDescender                      = t . underbar_kern    
>      . text_style,
>            UnderbarRuleThickness                       = t . underbar_rule    
>      . text_style,
>            UnderbarVerticalGap                         = t . underbar_vgap    
>      . text_style,
>            UpperLimitBaselineRiseMin                   = t . limit_above_bgap 
>      . text_style,
>            UpperLimitGapMin                            = t . limit_above_vgap 
>      . text_style,
>            MinConnectorOverlap                         = t . 
> connector_overlap_min . text_style,
>            StretchStackGapBelowMin                     = t . 
> over_delimiter_vgap   . text_style,
>            StretchStackTopShiftUp                      = t . 
> over_delimiter_bgap   . text_style,
>            StretchStackGapAboveMin                     = t . 
> under_delimiter_vgap  . text_style,
>            StretchStackBottomShiftDown                 = t . 
> under_delimiter_bgap  . text_style,
>        }
>        d.AccentBaseHeight = 0
>--~ texio.write_nl(table.serialize(d))
>        return t, d -- this might change
>    else
>        return { }, { }
>    end
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