Am Thu, 05 Nov 2009 17:28:08 -0330 schrieb Roger Mason:

> Martin,
> Martin Scholz <> writes:
>> is there a way in conTeXt how I can use a filename, so that I can write
>> a text where I can refer to it for using it in the following scenario:
>> I need 4 documents with nearly the same content. what I like to do is
>> to switch in the document depending on the called filename.
>> as I got a file called invoice.tex and create some links to this file
>> called delivery.tex order.tex and so on and now call
>> texexec invoice.tex
>> or
>> texexec order.tex
>> I want the document to recognize in the first case that it is invoice
>> and in the second case that it is order, so that I can use an if then
>> else environment on the different parts where I can define the
>> following
>> if{filename==invoice} then{print this content} else{}
>> if{filename==order} then{print this part of content} else{}
> Have you looked at modes?  I use this technique for making manuscript,
> presentation and speakernotes versions of teaching documents.
> Here is an example:
> %%% TheEarthWorks.tex ---
> %% Author:
> %% Version: $Id: TheEarthWorks.tex,v 0.0 2009/01/14 19:16:14 rmason Exp$
> % Styles specific to the pres and MS modes: \input presentation.tex
> \input manuscript.tex
> \starttext
> \startcolor[TextColor]
>   \setupalign[right, nothyphenated]
>   \setuptolerance[horizontal,verytolerant]
>   % Title
>   \titlepage{Gems, The Earth \& its Works}
> %
> \NewSlide{Diamonds are a girls best friend} \oneplot{fig:intro}{Diamonds
> are a girls best friend\ldots and tell us a lot about how the Earth
> works.}{\externalfigure[Brillanten]} % reference caption image
> \startmode[manuscript]
>   \section{Introduction}
>   The Earth is made of rocks and in turn the rocks are made of minerals.
>   Most gems (\in{Fig.}[fig:intro]) are minerals.  We will look at rocks
>   and minerals soon, but before we do so it is useful to have an
>   overview of the bigger picture: the structure of the Earth.  We will
>   then go on to look at how various kinds of rocks are formed before
>   focusing on minerals and gems.
> \stopmode%[manuscript]
> \startmode[manuscript]
>   \section{Structure of the Earth}
>   What is the interior of the Earth like?  Is it structureless, like
>   Christmas cake, or does it have a structure, like layer cake?  If the
>   Earth is structureless then maybe gems can form and be found anywhere.
>    If it has structure then perhaps specific gems form only in
>   particular places.
> \stopmode%[manuscript]
> %
> \NewSlide{Structure of the Earth}
> \twoplots
> % reference caption
> % image1 caption1
> % image2 caption2
>   {fig:cakes}{What is the structure of the earth?}
>   {\externalfigure[Stirring_christmas_pudding]}{Christmas pudding?} %
>\_christmas\_pudding.JPG %
>   No licensing info given.
>   {\externalfigure[Layer_cake]}{Layer cake?} %     
> %     
>   iced-lemon-curd-layer-cake.html}
>     % Licensing conditions not known.
>     \startmode[manuscript]
>       Various lines of evidence show that Earth is a layered planet
>       (\in{Fig.}[fig:earthstructure]).  The outermost layer is the
>       \emph{crust}, which is made largely of rocks and minerals that
>       have low density.
>     \stopmode%[manuscript]
>     %
>     \NewSlide{Earth Structure}
>     \oneplot{fig:earthstructure}{Internal structure of the
>     Earth}{\externalfigure[Earth_structure]} % reference caption image
>     %
>     Surachit % Original png was public domain.  No license info for this
>     svg version
> \startmode[presentation]
> %
> \NewSlide{Where are gems found?}
> \onewideplot{fig:gemsfound}{Where are gems
> found?}{\externalfigure[Crust]} % reference caption image
> %
> \NewSlide{Where are gems formed?}
> \onewideplot{fig:gemsformed}{Where are gems
> formed?}{\externalfigure[Crust_upper_mantle.jpg]} % reference caption
> image
> \stopmode%[presentation]
> \startmode[manuscript]
>   The next layer inwards is the \emph{mantle} which occupies a large
>   portion of the volume of the Earth and is made of rocks and minerals
>   with a density around twice that of the crust. Beneath the mantle is
>   the core, which is subdivided into the \emph{outer core}, which is
>   liquid and the \emph{inner core} which is solid.  The core has a
>   density about twice that of the mantle.  The layering then is by {\em
>   density} and it increases as the centre of the Earth is approached.
>   Tha majority of gems are found, and originated in, the crust
>   (\in{Fig.}[fig:earthstructure]).  Diamonds are an exception, having
>   been formed in the upper mantle.  The gemstone {\em peridot} (a form
>   of the mineral {\em olivine}) can also be formed in the mantle and
>   incorporated in the crust in the form of \emph{peridotite} inclusions
>   that are brought up in some volcanic eruptions.
>   There is no evidence that material from the core reaches the Earth's
>   surface.  However, we do have material similar to the material of the
>   core in the form of {\em iron} and \emph{stony-iron} meteorites
>   (\in{Fig.}[fig:meteorites]).  Fewer than 100 stony-irons are known and
>   they are commercially and scientifically valuable.  The ``stony''
>   component is olivine, often peridot quality.  The iron component is an
>   iron-nickel alloy.
> \stopmode%[manuscript]
> The \input *.tex documents contain definitions used in the text.  The
> document is then compiled using a command:
> texexec --mode=manuscript --result=EarthWorksMS.pdf TheEarthWorks.tex
> When i want the presentation version I just change to
> --mode=presentation on the command line.
> Cheers,
> Roger

Hi Roger, List

Thanks that sounds ok, but now I need to know I can use this by an 
external program, as I try to build a letter for Lx-Office, an OpenSource 
ERP Programm that uses TeX for processing the output and I can not really 
switch in it the type how it is called, so I need more or less an 
indocument version for this, like the if-then-else-clauses so thanks but 
I think it is not the way I can use it.



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