Am 23.02.2010 um 23:27 schrieb Hans Hagen:

> On 23-2-2010 21:18, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
>> The need is easily described:
>> \placelist[chapter, section,...][file=MyFile]
>> In old MkII times all information for a table of content was read from the 
>> ".tuo" file.
>> For making manual changes in needed a way to define from *which* tuo file 
>> the placelist command reads its information:
>> so I could copy the original tuo file, give it another name (MyFile) and 
>> define ...
>> \def\FrozenTUO{MyFile}
>> .... thus each \placelist run would read from that paticular MyFile.tuo
>> The quoted code above was written by Hans to provide a way to implement a 
>> kind of \placelist[chapter, section,...][file=MyFile] in MkII.
> the file= option will not come back, at least not soon, as we now have a 
> completely different way of dealing with tables of contents (and actually all 
> multipass data)
> (ok, you can adapt copy the tuc file and replace the list table but as much 
> more goes into the list it's no fun; also way more information goes into the 
> lists and there are references to shared data that basically makes a no-go)
> what we have already is a way to add userdata (which works if you use the 
> structured \startchapter ... commands) and when placing a list you can use 
> user entries; if you only need to replace a specific list entry you can do
> \startchapter[title=whatever,list=whocares,bookmark=...]
> so you have a different title and listentry and marking and reference and 
> bookmark and ..

There is an important side-effect in the way I use it in MkII:
The  idea is to run the table of contents independently from typesetting an 
entire book.

For example: 
- you have a big book, each typesetting run takes quite long
- as you also have many headings the table of contents is 17 pages
- now you see an ugly page-brake at bottom of page 10
- but if the entire vertical spacing of this page would be reduced a bit then 
this page-break would look better.

What I'd do now in MkII is such (trial-and-error loop):
0) the table of content is created by a \placelist command in a separate 
"contents.tex" component
1) for testing purposes I now copy the tuo file and point (via \def\FrozenTUO) 
the placelist run to this file
2) in this test-tuo file I hook in a command for reducing the vertical space 
(baseline/parskip) of my problematic contents page
3) I run the contents.tex file again to see if the result is as desired
4) if it is not, I do step 2) and 3) again
5) finally, if the result is as desired, I write the command (that gave me that 
desired vertical space) via \writebetweenlist directly to the original 
chapter's files.
6) now I point the \placelist run back again to the original tuo file: thus I 
can be save that whenever there will be additions/changes in the book, I can 
generate are table of contents with the updated pagenumbers (but also via 
writebetweenlist with my content's correction).

That's why in MkIV I look for a way to point placelist to a specified file.

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