On Mar 22, 2010, at 3:16 PM, Tom wrote:

> Boy, am I thick. Here is an example that demonstrates the problem. You
> should be able to see that cfbdatawarehouse.com did not hyphenate. To get
> the malhyphenation error, it is necessary to uncomment the \hyphenation
> command. Changing the width of the figure to 2.0 inches will demonstrate
> additional ragged right problems. An unrelated issue is that the leading for
> the caption is larger than I would like.

:-) Not sure if I can solve all your problems, but here are a few pointers:

1. for the url, you could use a command which provides a url that can be 
hyphenated. Surprisingly enough, it is called \hyphenatedurl{}.

2. TeX doesn't hyphenate in certain situations, e.g., when a word is already 
hyphenated (and apparently when it contains a period). In ConTeXt, you can wrap 
these symbols into ||, and TeX will happily hyphenate (see section 7.8 of 
cont-eni). In your case, you can write cfbdatawarehouse|.|com

3. Your caption: well, since you do not apply the bodyfontswitch to all of the 
lines, but to each line individually, you never give ConTeXt a chance to 
calculate the interlinespace. You shouldn't format individual lines, but use 
something like this:


However, I was surprised to see that the caption was not centered below the 
image, so I ended up with

\placefigure [left]
{\framed[align=middle,frame=off]{Joel Wheelock in track uniform \\
{\it Cumberland County Historical \\
Society, Carlisle, PA}}}
{\externalfigure[dummy][width=2.2 in]}

This works, but seems like a kludge. Anything better?

4. As for words sticking out in the margin: TeX does its best, but sometimes, 
no good line breaks can be found. A certain word processor will then go on and 
stretch your interword space and even interletter space within words. TeX 
doesn't do that and will let words stick out to warn you. If you don't want to 
/ can't edit the text, you'll have to allow it to be less strict. You should 
read about \setuptolerance in cont-eni, section 4.13.



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