On Mon, 24 Jan 2011, Paul Menzel wrote:
Dear ConTeXt folks,
I am running a 32-bit system with a 64-bit kernel. So relying on
uname -m
to determine the architecture leads to problems [1].
So I do `cpu = "i686` manually in `first-setup.sh` but I still do get
the the following error message.
sent 1145 bytes received 8908331 bytes 774737.04 bytes/sec
total size is 31230200 speedup is 3.51
MTXrun | mtx update: updating mtxrun for linux: rsync -tgo --chmod=a+x
MTXrun | run: rsync -tgo --chmod=a+x
→ MTXrun | no 'texmf-linux-64' under tree /opt/context/tex
When you want to use context, you need to initialize the tree by typing:
. /opt/context/tex/setuptex
`first-setup.sh` executes the following command
# download or update the distribution
# you may remove the --context=beta switch if you want to use "current"
mtxrun --verbose --script ./bin/mtx-update.lua --update --make --force
--engine=all --context=beta --platform=$platform --texroot=$PWD/tex $@
but `mtxrun` or `mtx-update.lua` does not seem to honor the option `--platform`
all the way.
I tried to even hardcode `platform` to `linux` in `mtxrun` but it does not
elseif name == "linux" then
function os.resolvers.platform(t,k)
-- we sometims have HOSTTYPE set so let's check that first
local platform, architecture = "", os.getenv("HOSTTYPE") or
os.resultof("uname -m") or ""
if find(architecture,"x86_64") then
platform = "linux-64"
elseif find(architecture,"ppc") then
platform = "linux-ppc"
platform = "linux"
os.platform = platform
→ return "linux"
Could you please tell me, where the path for the `texmf` directory is
determined and how I can force that to a certain platform.
You could try setting HOSTTYPE to anything other than ppc or x86_64.
If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the
maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net
archive : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki : http://contextgarden.net