Dear Wolfgang, Thank you for your help.
> Don?t set the font style with the argument of the \title command, use > \setuphead. I'll keep in mind. > \define[2]\Mytitle > {\framedtext > [width=broad, > height=5\bodyfontsize, > background=color, > backgroundcolor=lightgray, > offset=2pt, > strut=no, > frame=off, > align={middle,middle}] > {#2}} > > \setuphead > [title] > [command=\Mytitle, > style=\ssbfb] % \ss\bfb > Why is the number of arguments 2? What is #1 for? One more question about \startfiguretext. \startitemize \item first item \startfiguretext[right][]{} {\externalfigure[cow][width=.3\makeupwidth]} \startitemize \item 11111 \item 22222 \item 33333 \stopitemize \stopfiguretext \item second item \stopitemize gives no error, but 11111, 22222 starts from the very beginning of the the text line. It ignores the indentation affected by \item first item. Is it normal? Then, how to keep the indentation caused by \startitemize? Thank you again. Best regards, Dalyoung ___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki! maillist : / webpage : / archive : wiki : ___________________________________________________________________________________