On 6-9-2011 11:00, Alexandre Leray wrote:

I have a text with commented spans. The comments come later in the book,
and I'd like to show the commented parts just above the comments
themselves. Here is a pseudo code:

Vestibulum ante \commented[mycomment]{ipsum primis} in faucibus orci
luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce pretium orci lectus, a
egestas sapien. Maecenas ante tellus, cursus sed feugiat non, lacinia
sit amet dui. Nam vel tortor sed leo pulvinar ornare.

This is my comment...

I'd like to get something like this:

Vestibulum ante _ipsum primis_^1 in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce pretium orci lectus, a egestas sapien.
Maecenas ante tellus, cursus sed feugiat non, lacinia sit amet dui. Nam
vel tortor sed leo pulvinar ornare.

(page break)

_ipsum primis_
This is my comment...

Is there any way to achieve this?

you probably want endnotes


test test \endnote{test} test

\page \placenotes[endnote]



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