Am 30.11.2011 um 10:47 schrieb Christian:

>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> is it still not possible to split a table so that it covers one half
>>>>> page an then
>>>> another half page?
>>>>> It is my understanding that splitting moves the table to the next
>>>>> page and
>>>> then splits it to the following if it gets too long for one entire page.
>>>>> Would a "manual split" be possible?
>>>>> Examle (table is not split, but could be):
>>>>> \starttext
>>>>> \dorecurse{2}{\input knuth }
>>>>> \startplacetable[title={My Table}]
>>>> \startplacetable[location=split,title={My table}] … \stopplacetable
>>> Thank you Wolfgang!
>>> For some reason I thought the option split=yes would trigger
>>> splitting…
>> The “split=yes” option works only for table which aren’t aren't placed as 
>> float
>> because this mechanism has to know that it has to break the table into parts
>> but then you don’t need the split key for \bTABLE.
>>> Now in the sample document I get table 1a and table 1b.
>>> In my "real" document I get table 3.2 and table 3.3. Is there a way to
>>> influence this? (btw. captions are above the table, if that matters)
>> The location of the caption doesn’t matter. The number of the suffix for the
>> subtables can be changed but without a example I can’t tell why you get
>> different results in your example and in the real document.
> My guess: It's because fo thecustom suffix. Example:
> \setupcaption[table][location=top]
> \setupcaptions[minwidth=\textwidth,width=fit,align=center,headstyle={\ss 
> \tfx},style={\ss \tfx 
> \setupinterlinespace[line=1.4em]},suffix={:},distance=.5em]

Remove the setting for “suffix” because it hold the number for the subtable, 
the number itself can be changed with


and a separator between the float number and the suffix can be added with


To add a stopper behind the suffix a different method is needed because 
although there is a “numberstopper” key for \setupcaption the symbol is added 
before the suffix, what you can do is to put he symbol in the label text with

  \setuplabeltext[table={Table ,:}]

but a extra key “suffixstopper” but we useful in this case.

@Hans: Can you make this change in strc-flt.mkvi?

%     \floatcaptionparameter\c!suffix}}

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