Am 16.02.2015 um 19:55 schrieb Hans Hagen <>:

> On 2/16/2015 5:17 PM, Axel Kielhorn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to generate epub from ConTeXt and I couldn't get the itemize 
>> environment to work.
>> I follow and get the structure described 
>> but when I look into the xhtml, there is no itemize environment. (At least 
>> no with Safari, Firefox or Calibre.) When use vi I see something that looks 
>> like my items in a very complex form.
>> I was expecting something like
>> <ul>
>>   <li>   </li>
>>   <li>   </li>
>> </ul>
>> but i see
>> <div class="itemgroup itemize level-1 symbol-1">
>>   <div class="item">
>>     <div class="itemtag"><m:math display="inline" 
>> xmlns:m="";><m:mo>•</m:mo></m:math></div>
>>     <div class="itemcontent">Listenpunkt 1</div>
>>   </div>
>>   <div class="item">
>>     <div class="itemtag"><m:math display="inline" 
>> xmlns:m="";><m:mo>•</m:mo></m:math></div>
>>     <div class="itemcontent">Listenpunkt 2
>>       <div class="itemgroup itemize level-2 symbol-2">
>>       <div class="item">
>>       <div class="itemtag"><m:math display="inline" 
>> xmlns:m="";><m:mo>−</m:mo></m:math></div>
>>     <div class="itemcontent">Listenpunkt 2.1</div></div>
>>     <div class="item">
>>     <div class="itemtag"><m:math display="inline" 
>> xmlns:m="";><m:mo>−</m:mo></m:math></div>
>>     <div class="itemcontent">Listenpunkt 2.2</div></div></div></div>
>>     </div>
>> Shouldn't the itemtag definition come from the default.css instead of using 
>> MathML?
>> itemgroup[symbol="1"], div.itemgroup.symbol-1 { list-style-type : disc ; }
>> I’m using: mtx-context     | current version: 2015.02.03 23:55
>> and
>> context --script epub --make epub_mwe
>> to create the epub.
> the bullets come from math fonts (currently, awaiting additional symbols in 
> the text fonts)

Yes I know.
Let me rephrase the question:

Should the symbols used in epub be identical to those used in the pdf or should 
the css determine the look of the symbols?
Especially when one considers that most current ebook readers can't display 

Even if I substitute the Symbols:


\setupitemgroup [itemize] [1] [symbol=uni1]
\setupitemgroup [itemize] [2] [symbol=uni2]
\setupitemgroup [itemize] [3] [symbol=uni3]
\setupitemgroup [itemize] [4] [symbol=uni4]

I get a result that neither ADE nor Calibre interprets as a list.
(Wrapping it in <ul> </ul> doesn't help.) 


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