On 19 Apr 2015, at 11:55 , Hans Hagen <pra...@wxs.nl> wrote
> On 4/19/2015 9:47 AM, Robert Blackstone wrote:
>> On 16 Apr 2015, at 15:38 , Hans Hagen <pra...@wxs.nl> gave me the following:
>>> \startluacode
>>>     document.indexentries = {
>>>         ["rule"]          = [[Rule(s)]],
>>>         ["ruleimperfect"] = [[+ \quote{imperfect to perfect, from}]],
>>>         ["galilei"]       = [[Galilei, Vincenzo]],
>>>     }
>>>     function document.getindexentry(n)
>>>         context("\\index[%s]{%s}",n,document.indexentries[n] or ("<" ..
>>> n .. ">"))
>>>     end
>>> \stopluacode
>>> \unexpanded\def\InEn[#1]%
>>>   {\ctxlua{document.getindexentry("#1")}}
>>> \starttext
>>> That this rule
>>> \InEn[rule]
>>> \InEn[ruleimperfect] was not applied by everybody is for example shown
>>> in {\em Fronimo}%
>>> \InEn[galilei]
>>> etc etc
>> This code works beautifully in this way, with only a few index entries  at 
>> the top of the file, before \starttext.
>> But how can I deal with the thousand or more index items in my project, 
>> which I have collected in four separate dedicated files with indexentries, 
>> like the three shown in the example-code.
>> I have really no idea  what else should be in these files,  what sort of 
>> name they should have, in particular extension,  and how and where I can 
>> input them.
>> I use TeXShop as my texteditor but that is probably not relevant here.
>> Can you give me some guidance, please?
> \startluacode
>     document.indexentries = {
>         ["rule"]          = [[Rule(s)]],
>         ["ruleimperfect"] = [[+ \quote{imperfect to perfect, from}]],
>         ["galilei"]       = [[Galilei, Vincenzo]],
>     }
>     function document.loadindexentries(filename)
>         local fullname = resolvers.findfile(filename)
>         if fullname ~= "" then
>             local data = io.loaddata(fullname)
>             for a, b  in string.gmatch(data,"%s*(%S+)%s+([^\n\r]+)") do
>                 document.indexentries[a] = b
>             end
>         end
>     end
>     function document.getindexentry(n)
>         local ie = document.indexentries[n]
>         if not ie then
>             logs.report("index","missing entry %a",n)
>         end
>         context("\\index[%s]{%s}",n,ie or ("<" .. n .. ">"))
>     end
> \stopluacode
> \unexpanded\def\LoadInEn[#1]{\ctxlua{document.loadindexentries("#1")}}
> \unexpanded\def\InEn    [#1]{\ctxlua{document.getindexentry("#1")}}
> \LoadInEn[whatever.txt]
> \starttext
> That this rule
> \InEn[rule]
> \InEn[ruleimperfect] was not applied by everybody is for example shown 
> in {\em Fronimo}%
> \InEn[galilei]
> \InEn[unknown]
> etc etc
> \InEn[GalileiFronimo]
> \InEn[Cadence]
> \InEn[CadenceP]
> \InEn[PlagalCad]
> \index[Fronimo]{{\em Fronimo} (Galilei)} (1584), Vincenzo Galileo's 
> treatise on lute playing and the intabulation%
> \index[Intabulation]{intabulation}  of vocal music.
> \page
> whatever.txt:
> GalileiFronimo +{\em Fronimo}
> Cadence        cadence(s)
> CadenceP       + plagal
> PlagalCad      plagal cadence
Hi Hans,

Thank you for your reply.
It took me a while to make your code operational in the way I need it.
For the new example you gave is still an "integral file". My project, like most 
book-projects, I guess, is modular with a master file Project.tex, into which 
everything else, setups, .bbl's, front- and backmatter, the various chapters 
are input. Though strictly speaking it would not be impossible to add some 1000 
lines of index entries before \startproject, it would not be especially handy, 
and I cannot believe that it would be the proper ConTeXt-way to do it.

I found that when I split your code, transferred the top part to a new file, 
which I named "IndexItems", and input that into the other half, the text 
proper, it works. But when I add another file with indexentries, for instance 
"indexitemsnames", then only one of them, the one at the top is used. 
So it seems that the whole collection of index items must be in one file.
Is that the only possibility or are there ways to enable the use of several 
collections of index items?

Best regards, 
If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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