Hans Aberg <mailto:haber...@telia.com>
7. Juli 2015 01:46
[I do not get copies from the list, though having signed up.]
The spacing is different in cases - TeX also has such a variation.
Specifically, there is extra space before the conditionals.
In addition, it seems \startmathcases ... \stopmathcases is not
working with UTF-8: in the example below, the ω’s on the second line,
after the arrows, disappear in my PDF.
This is explained in section 8 of the document:
There are two ways of specifying the second column — \MC (Math Column)
and \NC (New Column). If \MC is used, the second column is in \math
with \NC it is in ‘text mode’.
J^j:\startmathcases\NC ω^0 \NC→ 0 \NR \NC ω^j \NC→ 0 \stopmathcases \quad
\startmathcases \NC ω^k \NC→ ω^l \NR \NC ω^l \NC→ -ω^k \stopmathcases
Please send always working minimal examples like this:
J^j :
\NC ω^0 \MC → 0 \NR
\NC ω^j \NC → 0 \NR
\NC ω^k \MC → ω^l \NR
\NC ω^l \MC → -ω^k \NR
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webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net
archive : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki : http://contextgarden.net