Dear gang,

Midsentences in the ConTeXt sense are quite common. Consider the following:

[leftsentence={{} \endash\nobreakspace},
 rightsentence={{} \endash\nobreakspace},
 leftsubsentence={{} \textbar\nobreakspace},
 rightsubsentence={{} \textbar\nobreakspace},
 midsentence={{} \endash\nobreakspace}]

This is a sentence|<|this is a subsentence|>|that includes a subsentence.
This is a sentence|<|this is a subsentence|<|this is a nested subsentence|>|that includes a nested subsentence|>|that includes a subsentence.
This is a sentence that ends in a midsentence\midsentence Here is the midsentence.

A primary subsentence or nested subsentence is marked off by |<| and |>| respectively.

Is there an analogous symbol for a midsentence, which requires a mark only at its beginning?

If not, how can I make a private one? For example:

This is a sentence that ends in a midsentence|<>|Here is the midsentence.

How can I properly define |<>| to be an alias for \midsentence, in a way consistent with the rest of the subsentence mechanism?

Note: Could only find one reference to midsentence in the sources: lang-ini.mkiv, line 354

If this is not already supported, would like to propose that |<>| be added to ConTeXt as an alias for \midsentence.

BTW: It may appear that one can just use |<| to mark a midsentence, but then the next subsentence in the document will be treated as a nested subsentence.

Thank you in advance!

Best wishes
Idris Samawi Hamid, Professor
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80512

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Attachment: scratch.tex
Description: TeX document

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