Hi Aditya,
thanks for the code (that also Mikael pointed to)!

> Am 11.05.2021 um 18:02 schrieb Aditya Mahajan <adit...@umich.edu>:
> Look at this old code on how hide such code behind a macro to have a clean 
> interface:
> https://github.com/adityam/mp-sketch/blob/master/mp-sketch.mp

I came up with this simple cover layout:

input mp-sketch;

  color darkblue ; darkblue := (40/255,67/255,117/255) ;

  pen pillpen ; pillpen := makepen 
((-1bp,-0.5bp)--(1bp,-0.5bp)..(1bp,0.5bp)--(-1bp,0.5bp)..cycle) ;
  pickup pillpen xyscaled 3bp ;

  sketch_amount := 5bp;

  % insert some extra points to add fuzzyness - automate?
  % path one ; one := (-3mm,249mm) -- (185mm,249mm) -- (185mm,300mm) ; % 
  path onep ; onep := (-3mm,249mm) .. (25.5mm,249mm) .. (150mm,249mm) -- 
(185mm,249mm) -- (185mm,300mm) ; % links-oben
  % path two ; two := (25.5mm,-3mm) -- (25.5mm,167mm) -- (213mm,167mm) ; % 
  path twop ; twop := (25.5mm,-3mm) .. (25.5mm,25.5mm) .. (25.5mm,120mm) -- 
(25.5mm,167mm) .. (120mm,167mm) -- (213mm,167mm) ; % unten-rechts

  % draw paths several times - automate?
  numeric max ; max := 5;
  for i=0 upto max :
    draw onep withcolor darkblue withtransparency ("multiply", 1/max) ;
    draw twop withcolor darkblue withtransparency ("multiply", 1/max) ;


  % draw crop box (paper size)
  pickup pencircle xyscaled 0.5bp;
  draw (0,0)--(0,297mm)--(210mm,297mm)--(210mm,0)--cycle withcolor magenta;


This begins to look like I imagined, even if I’d like to add some noise 
(pattern, shading).
Jairo’s suggestion looks too regular.
(Finally, I’ll overlay the whole page with a transparent image for structure.)

As you see, both paths use only three points, but I added some more to add 
Also they get drawn several times with transparency to get a irregular width 
and some blur.

I’m quite sure this could be added to your macro, but I’m still too 
inexperienced with Metapost.

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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