Thanks for this. I'll look into it.

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: ntg-context <> Im Auftrag von Rik Kabel
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2021 21:40
> An:
> Betreff: Re: [NTG-context] Heading for endnotes / grouped by chapter endnotes
> For what its worth, I offer my endnote apparatus with updates for parts.
> It uses the standard note/notation mechanism, not a list, for endnotes.
> Perhaps it can be further adapted to the needs of this thread.
> There is at least one small issue with it: I have to use \stopendnote even 
> though
> I define \startEndnote. This causes issues with the linter (mtxrun --script 
> check
> <fn>) but seems otherwise harmless.
> I am sure that others more versed in ConTeXt can find some ways to fix this 
> and
> improve the overall approach. I welcome suggestions.
> %------------------------------------------------------------------%
> % Endnote apparatus adapted for parts
> %
> \mainlanguage      [en]
> \language          [en]
> \setupinteraction  [state=start]
> \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided]
> \setupheadertexts [{\it\getmarking[part]}][{\it\getmarking[section]}]
> [{\it\getmarking[chapter]}][{\it\getmarking[part]}]
> \setupheads        [number=no]
> \setuphead         [part]
>                     [placehead=yes,
>                      header=empty]
> %------------------------- footnote setup -------------------------% % 
> footnotes uses
> asterisk, dagger, ddagger... so that endnotes %   and pagenotes have separate
> sequences. Change way= to suit %   your footnote frequency
> \setupnotation     [footnote]
>                     [numberconversion=set 2,
>                      way=chapter]
> %------------------------- endnote setup --------------------------% % 
> endnotes use
> numeric indices, reset by part
> \setupnote         [endnote][
>                      textseparator={,},
>                      textstyle=\high{\small\hairspace},
>                      location=none,
>                      bodyfont=]
> \setupnotation     [endnote]
>                     [headstyle=\small,
>                      way=bypart,
>                      numbercommand=,
>                      after={\blank[halfline]}]
> %--------------------- endnote pages setup ------------------------%
> \definemarking     [notePage]
> \startsetups       [noteHeadingsText]
>    {\em Notes for page
> \doifelse{\fetchmark[notePage][top]}{\fetchmark[notePage][bottom]}
>          { \getmarking[notePage][top]}
>          {s \getmarking[notePage][top]–\getmarking[notePage][bottom]}}
> \stopsetups
> \starttexdefinition unexpanded startEndnote
>    \dosingleempty\doStartEndnote
> \stoptexdefinition
> \starttexdefinition doStartEndnote [#1]
>    \expanded{\dodoStartEndnote[#1][{\rawcountervalue[userpage]}]}
> \stoptexdefinition
> \starttexdefinition dodoStartEndnote [#1][#2]
>    \startendnote[#1]
>      \marking[notePage]{#2}\removeunwantedspaces
> \stoptexdefinition
> \starttexdefinition endnoteChapter
>    \startchapter    [title=Notes]
> \setupheadertexts[{\it\getmarking[part]}][\setups{noteHeadingsText}]
> [\setups{noteHeadingsText}][{\it\getmarking[part]}]
>    \placenotes      [endnote]
>    \page
> \setupheadertexts[{\it\getmarking[part]}][{\it\getmarking[section]}]
>                     [{\it\getmarking[chapter]}][part]
>    \stopchapter
> \stoptexdefinition
> %------------------------------------------------------------------%
> \starttext
> \completecontent
> \startpart[title=Part 1]
> \dorecurse{3}{
>    \startchapter[title=Chapter #1]
>      If a man wants to read good books, he must make a point of
>      avoiding bad ones; for life is short, and time and energy
>      limited.
>      \startfootnote
>        T.\,Baily Saunders’ translation, in his 1891 {\em
>        The Art of Literature}, of part of one of Arthur
>        Schopenhauer’s essays.
>      \stopfootnote
>      \startEndnote
>        {\language[deo]%
>        Um das Gute zu lesen, ist eine Bedingung, dass man das
>        Schlechte nicht lese: denn das Leben ist kurz, Zeit und
>        Kräfte beschränkt.}
>      \stopendnote
>      \dorecurse{6}{
>        \startsection[title=Section ##1]
>          This followed by:
>          {\it Repetitio est mater studiorum}. Any book that is at
>          all important ought to be at once read through twice;
>          partly because, on a second reading, the connection of the
>          different portions of the book will be better understood,
>          and the beginning comprehended only when the end is known;
>          and partly because we are not in the same temper and
>          disposition on both readings. On the second perusal we get a
>          new view of every passage and a different impression of the
>          whole book, which then appears in another light.
>            \startEndnote
>              {\language[deo]%
>              Repetitio est mater studiorum. Jedes irgend wichtige
>              Buch soll man sogleich zwei Mal lesen, theils weil man
>              die Sachen das zweite Mal in ihrem Zusammenhange besser
>              begreift und den Anfang erst recht versteht, wenn man
>              das Ende kennt; theils weil man zu jeder Stelle das
>              zweite Mal eine andere Stimmung mit bringt, als beim
>              ersten, wodurch der Eindruct verschieden ausfällt und
>              es ist, wie wenn man einen Gegenstand in anderer
>              Beleuchtung sieht.}
>            \stopendnote
>        \stopsection
>      }
>    \stopchapter
> }
> \endnoteChapter
> \stoppart
> \startpart[title=Part 2]
> \dorecurse{3}{
>    \startchapter[title=Chapter #1]
>      If a man wants to read good books, he must make a point of
>      avoiding bad ones; for life is short, and time and energy
>      limited.
>      \startfootnote
>        T.\,Baily Saunders’ translation, in his 1891 {\em
>        The Art of Literature}, of part of one of Arthur
>        Schopenhauer’s essays.
>      \stopfootnote
>      \startEndnote
>        {\language[deo]%
>        Um das Gute zu lesen, ist eine Bedingung, dass man das
>        Schlechte nicht lese: denn das Leben ist kurz, Zeit und
>        Kräfte beschränkt.}
>      \stopendnote
>      \dorecurse{6}{
>        \startsection[title=Section ##1]
>          This followed by:
>          {\it Repetitio est mater studiorum}. Any book that is at
>          all important ought to be at once read through twice;
>          partly because, on a second reading, the connection of the
>          different portions of the book will be better understood,
>          and the beginning comprehended only when the end is known;
>          and partly because we are not in the same temper and
>          disposition on both readings. On the second perusal we get a
>          new view of every passage and a different impression of the
>          whole book, which then appears in another light.
>            \startEndnote
>              {\language[deo]%
>              Repetitio est mater studiorum. Jedes irgend wichtige
>              Buch soll man sogleich zwei Mal lesen, theils weil man
>              die Sachen das zweite Mal in ihrem Zusammenhange besser
>              begreift und den Anfang erst recht versteht, wenn man
>              das Ende kennt; theils weil man zu jeder Stelle das
>              zweite Mal eine andere Stimmung mit bringt, als beim
>              ersten, wodurch der Eindruct verschieden ausfällt und
>              es ist, wie wenn man einen Gegenstand in anderer
>              Beleuchtung sieht.}
>            \stopendnote
>        \stopsection
>      }
>    \stopchapter
> }
> \endnoteChapter
> \stoppart
> \stoptext
> %------------------------------------------------------------------%
> --
> Rik
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