
I used red frame which is in the metafun manual for long time.
But it is not working now. 
Here is a MWE and a part of the log file.
What should I change in the definitions?

I am using "ConTeXt  ver: 2021.07.10 21:51 LMTX  fmt: 2021.7.12  int: 

%%%%%%%% framed Text with title %%%
picture p ; numeric o ; path a, b ; pair c ;
p := textext.rt(\MPstring{FrameText}) ;
o := BodyFontSize ;
a := unitsquare xyscaled (OverlayWidth,OverlayHeight) ;
p := p shifted (2o,OverlayHeight-ypart center p) ;
drawoptions (withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor .625red) ;
b := a superellipsed .95 ;
%fill b withcolor .85white ;
draw b ;
b := (boundingbox p) superellipsed .95 ;
fill b withcolor .85white ;  %.425green;%.
draw b ;
draw p withcolor black ;
setbounds currentpicture to a ;



\def\StopFrame {\stoprfText\blank}


This is a test for the frame. 
This is a test for the frame. 
This is a test for the frame. 
This is a test for the frame. 
This is a test for the frame. 
This is a test for the frame. 


log file:

fonts           > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded
tex error       > tex error on line 41 in file /Users/graph/Library/Mobile 
Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/texMain/test.tex: Use of \meta_usempgraphic_nop 
doesn't match its definition

<to be read again> 
<macro> \executedefinedoverlay #1#2->\bgroup \setlayoutcomponentattribute 
{\v!overlay :#1}\setbox \scratchbox \hbox \layoutcomponentboxattribute {\the 
\everyoverlay #2}
    \boxxoffset \scratchbox -.5\dimexpr \wd \scratchbox -\d_framed_target_wd 
\relax \boxyoffset \scratchbox -.5\dimex
<macro> \pack_framed_process_background_indeed_internal #1->\bgroup \setbox 
\b_framed_extra \hpack \bgroup \ifzeropt \framedbackgroundoffset \else \kern 
-\framedbackgroundoffset \fi \hbox \bgroup #1
    \egroup \egroup \wd \b_framed_extra \zeropoint \ht \b_framed_extra 
\framedbackgroundheight \dp \b_framed_ext

<macro> \m_framed_background ...background \endcsname \expandafter 
\pack_framed_process_background_indeed_internal \lastnamedcs \orelse \ifcsname 
\??overlay \m_framed_background \endcsname \expandafter 
\pack_framed_process_background_indeed_external \lastnamedcs 

<macro> \pack_framed_process_backgrounds #1,#2->\edef \m_framed_background 
{#1}\ifx \m_framed_background \s!unknown \else \pack_framed_process_background 
    \expandafter \pack_framed_process_backgrounds \fi #2

<macro> \p_framed_component ...s\let \foregroundbox 
\pack_framed_background_box_content \hpack \layoutcomponentboxattribute to 
\framedbackgroundwidth \bgroup \the \everybackgroundbox \expandafter 
\pack_framed_process_backgrounds \p_framed_background ,\s!unknown 
    ,\relax \box ...

<line 4.41> \StopFrame
32     \starttext
34     \StartFrame
35     This is a test for the frame. 
36     This is a test for the frame. 
37     This is a test for the frame. 
38     This is a test for the frame. 
39     This is a test for the frame. 
40     This is a test for the frame. 
41 >>  \StopFrame
43     \stoptext
If you say, e.g., '\def\a1{...}', then you must always put '1' after '\a',
since control sequence names are made up of letters only. The macro here has not
been followed by the required stuff, so I'm ignoring it.
mtx-context     | fatal error: return code: 256
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