Dear List

I have the following example.

Wir können sogar die gesamte Matrix A über ihre Einträge mit Hilfe der Indizes 
definieren, indem wir schreiben

Why is there no formula in the pdf?

And is that right with A{ij}

After compiling i get the following

Command Line:   context.exe --synctex=-1 "Example1.tex"
Startup Folder: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\My Documents
resolvers       | formats | executing runner 'run luatex format': 
C:/texlive/2020/bin/win32/luatex --jobname="Example1" 
 cont-yes.mkiv --c:currentrun=1 --c:fulljobname="./Example1.tex" 
--c:input="./Example1.tex" --c:kindofrun=1 --c:maxnofruns=9 --c:synctex="-1" 
This is LuaTeX, Version 1.12.0 (TeX Live 2020/W32TeX)
 system commands enabled.
open source     > level 1, order 1, name 
system          >
system          > ConTeXt  ver: 2020.03.10 14:44 MKIV beta  fmt: 2021.1.18  
int: english/english
system          >
system          > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded
open source     > level 2, order 2, name 
system          > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv
close source    > level 2, order 2, name 
system          > files > jobname 'Example1', input './Example1', result 
fonts           > latin modern fonts are not preloaded
languages       > language 'en' is active
system          > synctex functionality is enabled, expect 5-10 pct runtime 
open source     > level 2, order 3, name 'C:/Users/Administrator/Documents/My 
modules         > 'amsl' is not found
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fonts           > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded
backend         > xmp > using file 
pages           > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1
close source    > level 2, order 3, name 'C:/Users/Administrator/Documents/My 
close source    > level 1, order 3, name 

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mkiv lua stats  > resource resolver: loadtime 0.165 seconds, 1 scans with 
scantime 0.003 seconds, 0 shared scans, 12 found files, scanned paths: 
mkiv lua stats  > stored bytecode data: 450 modules (0.395 sec), 93 tables 
(0.013 sec), 543 chunks (0.408 sec)
mkiv lua stats  > traced context: maxstack: 1398, freed: 0, unreachable: 1398
mkiv lua stats  > cleaned up reserved nodes: 56 nodes, 9 lists of 442
mkiv lua stats  > node memory usage: 11 attribute, 4 attribute_list, 1 glue, 51 
glue_spec, 3 kern, 2 penalty, 2 temp, 2 user_defined
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(re)created, 39 calls
mkiv lua stats  > synctex tracing: 2 referenced files, 4 files ignored, 5 
objects flushed, logfile: Example1.synctex
mkiv lua stats  > driver time: 0.134 seconds
mkiv lua stats  > used backend: pdf (backend for directly generating pdf output)
mkiv lua stats  > jobdata time: 0.002 seconds saving, 0.001 seconds loading
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function 507, total: 795
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mkiv lua stats  > loaded tex modules: 1 requested, all missing (*-amsl)
mkiv lua stats  > result saved in file: Example1.pdf, compresslevel 3, 
objectcompresslevel 1
mkiv lua stats  > loaded patterns: en::1, load time: 0.000
mkiv lua stats  > loaded fonts: 2 files: latinmodern-math.otf, 
mkiv lua stats  > font engine: otf 3.111, afm 1.513, tfm 1.000, 7 instances, 3 
shared in backend, 3 common vectors, 0 common hashes, load time 0.208 seconds
mkiv lua stats  > used platform: mswin, type: windows, binary subtree: bin
mkiv lua stats  > used engine: luatex version: 1.12, functionality level: 7306, 
banner: this is luatex, version 1.12.0 (tex live 2020/w32tex)
mkiv lua stats  > control sequences: 45874 of 65536 + 100000
mkiv lua stats  > lua properties: engine: lua 5.3, used memory: 125 MB, ctx: 
124 MB, max: unknown MB, hash chars: min(32,40), symbol mask: utf (τεχ)
mkiv lua stats  > runtime: 0.813 seconds, 1 processed pages, 1 shipped pages, 
1.230 pages/second
system          | total runtime: 1.189 seconds


 ConTeXt Compilation Report (Pages: 1)

 Errors: 0   Warnings: 0   Bad Boxes: 0


Thanks for helping


Attachment: Example1.pdf
Description: Example1.pdf

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