
> > I have set: \mainlanguage[de]
> > But Apostroph is still 6 not 9. How can I change this?

Grrr! This was homemade. Some character 0x91 in my inputfile. 

> Here is an example file. Note that you need a font that has these
> characters available (cmr does not). For the < and > see leftquote

What about cmsy \ll ? In LaTeX this is used to build \flqq.

> and rightquotation. These are the possibilities for the "french"
> quotation marks.

By texexecing this file, the font utmr8r could' nt be found?!
Should this be available in a standard debian-distribution?

> ==================================================
> \usetypescript[berry][8r]
> \setupencoding[default=8r] 
> \setupbodyfont[pos]
> \mainlanguage[de]
> \starttext
> such' doch 
> %latest beta version for this (german example file):
> \input aesop-de
> \blank[big]
> %your context version should not be too old...
> \setuplanguage[de][leftquotation=\rightguillemot, 
>                    rightquotation=\leftguillemot]
> \input aesop-de
> \stoptext
> ==================================================

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