Hans Hagen said this at Sat, 22 Mar 2003 22:51:44 +0100:

>>For example, the numbers from my \placelistoftables run in this order:
>>8.1  8.2  8.3  8.4  8.5  8.6  8.7  8.5  8.9  8.10 8.11 8.12 8.10
>>                                    ***                      ****
>you mean that there are duplicates?

Duplicates, missings, and strange crossovers.

>>While \placelistoffigures gives
>>8.1  8.2  8.3  8.5  8.8  8.6  8.7  8.8  8.9  8.13
>>                     ***                      ****
>>This is disturbing and hard to debug. The person whose thesis this is
>hm, sounds new to me, this random ordering

It's not something I imagined you would allow to exist for very long.

>>I'm trying to avoid panic, but the doctoral thesis where we're running
>>into this needs to be bound on thursday. :)
>do you run the latest version?

Very nearly: Mar  4 10:44 context.tex

But apparently I was in a little panic. I was misled by the reference
naming my partner used. What really caused it was the poorly understood
use of \placefigure[always] (from a mysterious hint you sent to the
list). My partner really doesn't like TeX's tendency to put floats pages
away from where they're named, so she wanted the strongest force option

We replaced them with [here,force], and everything was made right again.
Sorry. I guess I did panic a little.

But I clearly need to learn more about the different placement mechanisms

Tomorrow, the exciting world of \makeups...


 Adam T. Lindsay                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Computing Dept, Lancaster University   +44(0)1524/594.537
 Lancaster, LA1 4YR, UK             Fax:+44(0)1524/593.608

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