With the xtags-* pretty printing macros, I can't find a common
interface for pretty printing.  For instance, to typeset my XML code
at a small size, and using a grayscale palet, I require three
different setups depending on whether I'm using \showXMLbuffer,
\typebuffer, or \startXML ... \stopXML.

% override xtag-* pretty printing options
  [0=grayprettyone,   1=grayprettytwo,  
   2=grayprettythree, 3=grayprettyfour]

% local override of global verbatim typing

% global XML pretty printing
\setuptyping [XML] [palet=graypretty,style=\tfx,indentnext=no]

As you can see, although each is trivial to customize but they don't
share a common interface with each other.  Am I just missing the
context-way of achieving the above pretty printing?

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