> On 30 Apr 2018, at 17:52, Amir Kaduri <akadur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the answers.
> So the only way to make handlep->timeout>=0, is by setting the 
> file-descriptor to "blocking" (nonblock=0) according to the logic in function 
> pcap_setnonblock_mmap() and this is something that we would like to avoid.
> Therefore, we do the polling (non-blocking) in the application that uses 
> pcap/pf_ring.
> The problem we have is with low-traffic network. According to the logic in 
> function copy_data_to_ring(), as long as the queue didn't reach the 
> "poll_num_pkts_watermark" threshold (in our case 128 packets),
> the poll() (in userspace) won't be called (since  wake_up_interruptible(..) 
> is not called), which means that we have packets that are stuck in the ring 
> till the queue reaches the watermark.
> I wonder if you see any rationale in improving the pf_ring kernel module 
> code, to call  wake_up_interruptible() (in order to flush the queue) if some 
> "timeout" passed and the queue is not empty (but still didn't reach the 
> watermark).

I think that using the watermark in combination with a timeout is a good idea.


> Amir
> On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 6:00 PM, Alfredo Cardigliano <cardigli...@ntop.org 
> <mailto:cardigli...@ntop.org>> wrote:
>> On 26 Apr 2018, at 15:34, Amir Kaduri <akadur...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:akadur...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Alfredo,
>> My code is based on libpcap, while pfring's userland examples use pfring 
>> APIs directly, therefore things are a bit harder for me.
>> Short clarification about a related code-line:
>> Please look at the following line: 
>> https://github.com/ntop/PF_RING/blob/dev/userland/libpcap-1.8.1/pcap-linux.c#L1875
>> <https://github.com/ntop/PF_RING/blob/dev/userland/libpcap-1.8.1/pcap-linux.c#L1875>
>> (1)  If I understand it correctly, if wait_for_incoming_packet is true, then 
>> pfring_poll() should be called.
>>       Don't you want  wait_for_incoming_packet to be true in case  
>> pf_ring_active_poll is true?
> “active” means spinning, thus poll should not be used in that case.
>>       Currently, its the opposite (i.e. if pf_ring_active_poll is true, 
>> wait_for_incoming_packet will be false thus pfring_poll() won't be called).
> This seems to be correct
>> (2) If the code is ok, then the only way for me to make  
>> wait_for_incoming_packet true (for pfring_poll() to be called) is by making 
>> handlep->timeout >= 0.
>>      Correct?
> Correct
> Alfredo
>> Thanks,
>> Amir
>> On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 10:51 AM, Alfredo Cardigliano <cardigli...@ntop.org 
>> <mailto:cardigli...@ntop.org>> wrote:
>> Hi Amir
>> if I understand correctly, pfcount_multichannel is working, while in your 
>> application
>> it seems that poll does not honor the timeout, if this is the case it seems 
>> the problem
>> is not in the kernel module, I think you should look for differences between 
>> the two applications..
>> Alfredo
>>> On 9 Apr 2018, at 07:20, Amir Kaduri <akadur...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:akadur...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi Alfredo,
>>> I'm back to investigate/debug this issue in my environment, and maybe 
>>> you'll manage to save me some time:
>>> When I use the example program "pfcount_multichannel", poll-duration works 
>>> for me as expected:
>>> For watermark=128, poll-duration=1000, even if less than 128 packets 
>>> received, I get them in pfcount_multichannel.
>>> On the other hand, in my other program (which is a complex one), the 
>>> userspace application gets the packets only after 128 packets
>>> aggregated by the ring, regardless the polling rate (which is done always 
>>> using 50ms timeout).
>>> Maybe you can figure out what can "hold" the packets in the ring and 
>>> forward them to userspace only when the watermark threshold passes?
>>> Maybe something is missing during initialization?
>>> (for simplicity I'm not using rehash, and not using any filters).
>>> Thanks
>>> On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 6:32 PM, Alfredo Cardigliano <cardigli...@ntop.org 
>>> <mailto:cardigli...@ntop.org>> wrote:
>>> Hi Amir
>>> that's correct, however for some reason it seems it is not the case in your 
>>> tests.
>>> Alfredo
>>> On 31 Oct 2017, at 12:08, Amir Kaduri <akadur...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:akadur...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks. tot_insert apparently works ok.
>>>> Regarding function copy_data_to_ring():
>>>> At the end of it there is the statement:
>>>>      if(num_queued_pkts(pfr) >= pfr->poll_num_pkts_watermark)
>>>>              wake_up_interruptible(&pfr->ring_slots_waitqueue);
>>>> Since watermark is set to 128, and I send <128 packets, this causes them 
>>>> to wait in kernel queue.
>>>> But since poll_duration is set to 1 (1 millisecond I assume), I expect the 
>>>> condition to check this also (meaning, there are packets in queue but 1 
>>>> millisecond passed and they weren't read),
>>>> the wake_up_interruptible should also be called. No?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Amir
>>>> On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 10:20 AM, Alfredo Cardigliano 
>>>> <cardigli...@ntop.org <mailto:cardigli...@ntop.org>> wrote:
>>>>> On 31 Oct 2017, at 08:42, Amir Kaduri <akadur...@gmail.com 
>>>>> <mailto:akadur...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Alfredo,
>>>>> I'm trying to debug the issue, and I have a question about the code, to 
>>>>> make sure that there is no problem there:
>>>>> Specifically, I'm referring to the function "pfring_mod_recv":
>>>>> In order that the line that refers to poll_duration ("pfring_poll(ring, 
>>>>> ring->poll_duration)") will be reached, there are 2 conditions that 
>>>>> should occur:
>>>>> 1. pfring_there_is_pkt_available(ring) should return false (otherwise, 
>>>>> the function returns at the end of the condition).
>>>>> 2. wait_for_incoming_packet should be set to true.
>>>>> Currently, I'm referring to the first one:
>>>>> In order that the macro pfring_there_is_pkt_available(ring) will return 
>>>>> false, ring->slots_info->tot_insert should be equal to 
>>>>> ring->slots_info->tot_read.
>>>>> What I see in my tests that they don't get equal. I always see that 
>>>>> tot_insert>tot_read, and sometimes they get eual when tot_read++ is 
>>>>> called but it happens inside the condition, so the "pfring_mod_recv" 
>>>>> returns with 1.
>>>> It seems to be correct. The kernel module inserts packets into the ring 
>>>> increasing tot_insert, the userspace library reads packets from the ring 
>>>> increasing tot_read. This means that if tot_insert == tot_read there is no 
>>>> packet to read. If there is a bug, it should be in the kernel module that 
>>>> is somehow not adding packets to the ring (thus not updating tot_insert).
>>>> Alfredo
>>>>> I remind that I set the watermark to be high, in order to see the 
>>>>> poll_duration takes effect.
>>>>> Could you please approve that you don't see any problem in the code?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Amir
>>>>> On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 12:22 PM, Alfredo Cardigliano 
>>>>> <cardigli...@ntop.org <mailto:cardigli...@ntop.org>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Amir
>>>>> yes, that’s the way it should work, if this is not the case, some 
>>>>> debugging is needed to identify the problem
>>>>> Alfredo
>>>>>> On 26 Oct 2017, at 10:14, Amir Kaduri <akadur...@gmail.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:akadur...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> Basically, the functionality that I would like to have is even if less 
>>>>>> than poll-watermark-threshold (default: 128) packets arrives the socket, 
>>>>>> they will be forwarded to userland if 1 millisecond has passed.
>>>>>> How can I gain this? Isn't it by using  pfring_set_poll_duration()?
>>>>>> Alfredo, could you please clarify?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Amir
>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 8:48 PM, Amir Kaduri <akadur...@gmail.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:akadur...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I'm using pf_ring 6.6.0 (no ZC) on CentOS 7, on 10G interfaces (ixgbe 
>>>>>> drivers).
>>>>>> As far as I understand the relation between poll-watermark and 
>>>>>> poll-duration, packets will be queued untill one of comes first: or 
>>>>>> passing the poll-watermark packets threshold, or a poll-duration 
>>>>>> milliseconds has passed.
>>>>>> I set poll-watermark to the maximum (4096) (using 
>>>>>> pfring_set_poll_watermark()) and set poll-duration to the minimum (1) 
>>>>>> (using pfring_set_poll_duration()).
>>>>>> I've sent 400 packets to the socket. I see that they are received by the 
>>>>>> NIC, but they didn't pass to userland. Only when passing 500 packets, a 
>>>>>> chunk of them passed to userland.
>>>>>> I don't quite understand the behavior: since poll-duration is 1 
>>>>>> (millisecond I assume), I've expected all the packets to pass to 
>>>>>> userland immediately, even though poll-watermark is much higher.
>>>>>> Can anyone shed some light on the above?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Amir
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