New settings only affect newly created statistics. So for old statistics,
that is, for hosts that you have already seen, the only way to increase the
data retention period is to wipe the ntopng data folder (usually
/var/tmp/ntopng). Please, keep in mind that this wipes out all the history.


On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 8:15 PM, Kenneth Tu <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to increase historical reporting for Local/Remote Total
> Traffic to the last 45 days. I am able to retrieve Total Traffic details
> for the last 25 days only.
> /lua/pro/report.lua?num_minutes=36000 has the total traffic data.
> /lua/pro/report.lua?num_minutes=36001 no longer has the total traffic data.
> I have tried changing "Days for 1 min resolution stats" to 60, but that
> has not affected the Total Traffic data. All other settings have been kept
> at default.
> Any idea which settings are causing the last 25 day limit?
> Running Small Business Edition v.2.4.160705
> Thank you,
> K
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