Hi, please see below,

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 3:54 PM, <join...@alitdom.org> wrote:

> Thank you for the reply. Haven't revisited this until now.
> Do you have steps or info on configuring nprobe/ntop in such a manner?

It is not a matter of configuring nprobe/ntopng. Their configuration is
fine. The main point is to set up a mysql server -- clustered perhaps --
able to ingest data at a speed that can keep up with ntopng.

> Also, we are an educational organization and received a single license for
> free. Can this same license be used for multiple instances or would we have
> to obtain licensing individually for this tiered setup? Does it matter if I
> use multiple vm's and the single license etc?

licenses are bound to the hardware. Therefore every VM will require its own
license. If you are a no-profit / university you can file a request for
additional licenses. Your case will be evaluated and new licenses will be
granted, possibly.

> I am also considering breaking-out the netflow if possible by
> site/vlan-group with multiple collectors and a central ntopng instance. Is
> that something that would allow me to only need a single license?

ntopng does not directly speak netflow. So you need at least one nprobe to
collect netflow data and send that data to ntopng.

> Thanks!
> On 2016-03-11 19:00, Simone Mainardi wrote:
>> The traffic charts enclosed show peaks at around .5 Gbps. I don't know
>> how many flows you are generating but I think they are too much for a
>> single ntopng and a single MySQL instance. MySQL tuning helps but not
>> to the necessary extent. Also, we (as ntopng devs) may improve
>> performances for example by batching insertions and thus avoiding a
>> single INSERT INTO for each flow. This is something we will address in
>> the future. However, I am not sure it be enough to handle the volume
>> of flows you have using a single ntopng and a single database.
>> Also, I am not sure your data is inaccurate. You get only active hosts
>> from the host pane so, if an host has transmitted TBs of data but is
>> now inactive, it won't show up in the list. Use the report if you want
>> to see historical host stats
>> Simone
>> On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 2:54 AM, <join...@alitdom.org> wrote:
>> ntopng 2.3.160204 & nprobe 7.3.160204 on Debian 8.3
>>> 8CPU / 16GB VM
>>> Using netflow from Cisco 6509 w/nprobe and ntop as collector on
>>> network w/around 150K hosts. nprobe is started as such:
>>> nprobe -G --zmq "tcp://*:5556" -i none -n none --collector-port 2055
>>> -V 9
>>> Ntop using ntopng.conf w/following parameters:
>>> -G=/var/tmp/ntopng.pid
>>> -i=tcp:// [1]
>>> -S=all
>>> -m=[NETWORKS]
>>> -X=550000
>>> -x=550000
>>> -F="mysql;localhost;ntopng;flows;user;pass"
>>> When using MySQL the webui is extremely slow and I see constant
>>> writes to disk, mostly inserts to flowsv4 table in ntopng db. I also
>>> am not seeing accurate info in dashboard graphs & reports however I
>>> do see accurate host information and historical data for ntop
>>> interface. I have taken steps to expand various innodb
>>> configurations like buffer pool size, log buffer size, innodb
>>> read/write io threads and there is no difference with performance.
>>> Using various tools to view perf data for i/o I am seeing contant
>>> 2+MB/sec - 10MB/sec disk writes and very high CPU wait percentages.
>>> My VM infrastructure consists of 4 IBM M3 ESXi hosts and a gen 2 XIV
>>> SAN so I'm pretty confident it's not the hardware.
>>> When I configure ntopng.conf to not use MySQL backend (everything
>>> written to /var/tmp/ntopng) the UI is much more responsive and the
>>> dashboard is accurate however, historical data for both hosts
>>> (traffic) and the ntop interface is inaccurate. I can have ntop
>>> running for a week and see ~10TB of data total for a given network
>>> but will not have info for hosts when I sort on traffic totals. When
>>> I select hosts the default view may show a host that has gigs and
>>> gigs more total traffic than any other host but when I sort on
>>> traffic (descending) that host is not represented in the list. My
>>> goal was to use SQL backend to retain that historical data which it
>>> does but at a huge performance cost.
>>> I've attached a report screencap that shows on the left a typical
>>> day without using MySQL highlighted in yellow. Today I started the
>>> day configured the same (yellow highlight) but switched to MySQL
>>> backend (red) and then back and forth after various tweaks.
>>> Historical info is there when I view ntop interface and traffic for
>>> given time frame. I also see all hosts traffic totals represented
>>> seemingly accurately.
>>> Not sure where to look next so any suggestions are appreciated.
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