Hi Davis,

On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 5:41 PM, Dave Davis <d...@davispc.com> wrote:

> The multiple “Shutting down…” shows up as the last entry in
> /var/log/ntopng/ntopng.log after a power on.  I thought maybe one of the
> two NICs needed more time during startup because the capture NIC is set to
> dhcp with no dhcp server to get an address from so I added a delayed
> startup for
>  /etc/init.d/ntopng via the following commands
> update-rc.d ntopng remove
> update-rc.d ntopng start 80 2 3 4 5 . stop 20 0 1 6 .
> Now ntopng starts up properly.

thanks for reporting the solution.

> I found this temporary solution by googling:
> ntopng autostart
> the 2nd search result had the update-rc.d suggestion
> Instead of adding a delay, I’d rather edit the iface section of
> /etc/networks/interfaces with something more appropriate for the capture
> NIC but I’m not sure what to replace ‘dhcp’ with. Suggestions?

You may want to go for a static ip solution for example with

    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet static

>  I’m also still seeing this in syslog during ntopng startup
> Aug  2 17:12:58 NTOPng ntopng: [NetworkInterface.cpp:1059] WARNING: If you
> have TSO/GRO enabled, please disable it
> Aug  2 17:12:58 NTOPng ntopng: [NetworkInterface.cpp:1061] WARNING: Use:
> sudo ethtool -K eth3 gro off gso off tso off

execute your own ethtool command in an /etc/network/interfaces post-up
option or, alternatively, put a script somewhere
inside /etc/network/if-up.d/

> Running the command and rebooting does not fix getting this msg on reboot.
> Dave
> From: ntop-boun...@listgateway.unipi.it [mailto:
> ntop-boun...@listgateway.unipi.it] On Behalf Of Simone Mainardi
> Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2016 6:02 AM
> To: n...@unipi.it
> Cc: ntop mailing list <ntop@listgateway.unipi.it>
> Subject: Re: [Ntop] won't start on boot in Ubuntu 14.04 - starts fine from
> command line
> I've just tried and it works fine here on ubuntu 14. Package installation
> adds ntopng to the defaults runlevels on post install.
> From the log messages you get, it looks like ntopng repeatedly tries to
> shutdown. When do you get those 'shutting down' messages?
> Simone
> On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 2:54 AM, Dave Davis <d...@davispc.com> wrote:
> Ntopng starts when I run ‘/etc/init.d/ntopng start’ but on a reboot it
> will not auto-start, instead syslog shows this:
> …
> 02/Aug/2016 17:27:06 [HTTPserver.cpp:547] HTTP server listening on port
> 3000
> 02/Aug/2016 17:27:06 [main.cpp:309] Working directory: /var/tmp/ntopng
> 02/Aug/2016 17:27:06 [main.cpp:311] Scripts/HTML pages directory:
> /usr/share/ntopng
> 02/Aug/2016 17:27:06 [Ntop.cpp:271] Welcome to ntopng x86_64 v.2.4.160802
> - (C) 1998-2016 ntop.org
> 02/Aug/2016 17:27:06 [Ntop.cpp:276] Built on Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
> 02/Aug/2016 17:27:06 [PeriodicActivities.cpp:53] Started periodic
> activities loop...
> 02/Aug/2016 17:27:06 [RuntimePrefs.cpp:34] Dumping alerts into syslog
> 02/Aug/2016 17:27:06 [NtopPro.cpp:249] [LICENSE] ntopng systemId:
> D7F197C611B0B923
> 02/Aug/2016 17:27:06 [NtopPro.cpp:254] [LICENSE] ntopng is starting in
> demo mode
> 02/Aug/2016 17:27:06 [NetworkInterface.cpp:1538] Started packet polling on
> interface eth3 [id: 0]...
> 02/Aug/2016 17:31:12 [Redis.cpp:60] Redis has disconnected: reconnecting...
> 02/Aug/2016 17:31:14 [main.cpp:37] Shutting down...
> 02/Aug/2016 17:31:15 [main.cpp:37] Shutting down...
> 02/Aug/2016 17:31:16 [main.cpp:37] Shutting down...
> 02/Aug/2016 17:31:17 [main.cpp:37] Shutting down...
> 02/Aug/2016 17:31:18 [main.cpp:37] Shutting down...
> 02/Aug/2016 17:31:20 [main.cpp:37] Shutting down...
> 02/Aug/2016 17:31:21 [main.cpp:37] Shutting down...
> 02/Aug/2016 17:31:22 [main.cpp:37] Shutting down...
> 02/Aug/2016 17:31:23 [main.cpp:37] Shutting down...
> 02/Aug/2016 17:31:24 [main.cpp:37] Shutting down...
> 02/Aug/2016 17:31:25 [main.cpp:37] Shutting down...
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