
One size doesn't fit all. It depends on the number of hosts you have and if
you keep historical host L7 statistics. Anyway, RRDs that store this kind
of information have a fixed size and don't grow with time.

If you also use mysql to retain historical flows, then you'll need extra
space for the database. Again, the space depends on the number of flows you
have and for how long you want to retain them. ntopng will periodically
clean old flows to make room for the new ones.

Please, note that you can configure data retention periods from the ntopng


On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 8:42 AM, Andrés Salesa <>

> Hi,
> I have tested your programs (Nprobe-Ntopng)  with a virtual machine 16 gb.
> What is the average size recommended disk?
> Is there a policy of "recycling" of flows to prevent take the whole disk
> or to erase the oldest and write about this?
> Thank you
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