v.2.4.160818 [Professional Edition]
GIT rev:   2.4-stable:d786da67470dd879c5bbe13d38a7f95f2b598626:20160818
Pro rev:   r641
System Id: 3BB0D75C7A06AB13
Built on:  Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS

I am spawning 3 different ntopng instances to monitor different network segments on different ethernet adapters. When launching ntopng it is occasionally not running as the user specified via --user.

Launching ntopng via: ntopng /etc/ntopng/this.ntopng.conf

Launching using the following config:

--http-port 15000
--dns-mode 0
--interface eth1
--disable-login 1
--data-dir /opt/ntopng/this
--user ntopng
--pid /var/run/this.ntopng.pid
--sticky-hosts none

Occasionally it will run as user ntopng and function properly. When it doesn't it launches as root and will not function. I will have to manually kill the proc and relaunch a few times before it will finally run as user ntopng.

This issue surfaced when updating from a 2015 community build to 2.4.

Has anyone else run into this issue? Any suggestions on how to resolve?

Thanks in advance,
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