Hallo, I try to access my ntopng instance from Grafana. This does not work, as the path: http://ntopngserver:3000/lua/modules/grafana/index.lua is not available. When I try to access it from my browser I get the following error: Page "/lua/modules/grafana/index.lua" was not found
Also the path /usr/share/ntopng/scripts/lua/modules/Grafana does not exist in the file system. Ntopng version: 4.0.200511 (10188)<https://github.com/ntop/ntopng/commit/4c93206d6d58f91b5ddd95a3f5a985da9d1a5576> Platform: Ubuntu 18.0.4 Mit freundlichen Grüßen [ALD_signatur] Thorsten Kölln Senior Referent IT service Delivery Manager ALD AutoLeasing D GmbH Nedderfeld 95, 22529 Hamburg - Postfach 57 03 28, 22772 Hamburg Tel.: +49 (0)40 4 71 04 71 70 - Mob.: +49 (0)175 261 77 05 - Fax: +49 (0)40 4 71 04 74 39 E-Mail: thorsten.koe...@aldautomotive.com<mailto:thorsten.koe...@aldautomotive.com> - www.aldautomotive.de<http://www.aldautomotive.de/> Verwaltungsratsvorsitzender: Tim Albertsen - Geschäftsführer: Karsten Rösel Sitz, Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 30468 - USt-ld. Nr.: DE118528033 - Gläubiger-ID: DE38ZZZ00000503782 Deutsche Bank AG, IBAN DE73200700000010080000, BIC DEUTDEHH Société Générale, IBAN DE92512108000260109808, BIC SOGEDEFF
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