Dear Parents,

This is a reminder that NT will be holding a semi-formal dance on Friday, 
November 5th at The 130 West Event Centre - 130 Dundas Street West from 8:00 
p.m. to 12:00 a.m.

We hope students will have a fun time at this event. As always, safety is our 
number one priority. Please remind your son/daughter that this is a "SCHOOL 
EVENT" and not a "PARTY" and that the school's, board's and ministry's codes of 
conduct apply fully. This event will be well supervised with staff & 
administration from NT, security and paid-duty police officers. Behaviours that 
contravene the codes of conduct may result in consequences such as formal 
suspension, a ban from future, similar events or if the police choose, charges.

North Toronto students continue to be actively engaged in a number of 
initiatives that encourage healthy attitudes such as substance abuse prevention 
and harm reduction. We hope they will act wisely and responsibly. Students are 
reminded that if they are under the influence of harmful substances such as 
alcohol or in possession of said substances at the dance they will be dealt 
with to the full extent of the codes of conduct and the law. Please support us 
by reminding your son/daughter of this.


Joel Gorenkoff

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