I just downloaded the admx file for Win 10 (1703) Creators Update, from here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=55080
I then went looking for Server 2016 admx, and found a combined Win 10 and Server 2016, here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53430 Is there not a separate Server 2016 admx, or do they use the same files? Also, there are a ton of admx files in this download. Is it best practice just to add/update all of them into the central store, or just ones that you think you'll need right away? Joe Heaton Information Technology Operations Branch Data and Technology Division CA Department of Fish and Wildlife 1700 9th Street, 3rd Floor Sacramento, CA 95811 Desk: (916) 323-1284 Every Californian should conserve water. Find out how at: [SaveOurWater_Logo]<http://saveourwater.com/> SaveOurWater.com<http://saveourwater.com/> * Drought.CA.gov<http://drought.ca.gov/>