Ok, the lack of Windows 2000 training is definitely noticeable in this problem....
I have an old clone box (PII 450, 256mb RAM, 2 maxtor 10gb IDE Drives). I recently had a guy who was working for me for about a month, upgrade this box from NT 4 to Win2k pro for II5. This kid created a great intranet site for us. Everything was working ok until I started poking around. I noticed the kid created a single 4gb ntfs partition and just left the remaining disk space untouched. I wanted to to create a spanned volume set using the rest of the disk space on disk 0 and disk 1. To do this, I found that I had to upgrade them to Dynamic disks before hand. Well, I upgraded the 2nd disk, no problem. Updated the 1st disk with the boot partition and then rebooted as instructed. Upon boot up, I see the following occur:
Searching for boot record from floppy... Not Found
Searching for boot record from CD-Rom... Not Found
Searching for boot record from IDE-0... OK
Boot failure from previous device
Boot failure
Insert BOOT diskette in A:
Press any key when ready  (I put in my just-created windows 2000 boot disk)
Searching for boot record from floppy... OK
Windows 2000 setup begins.....
Then I receive: File \ntkrnlmp.exe could not be loaded.
                     The error code is 7.
                     Setup cannot continue. Press any key to Exit.

The process then begins all over again. So what are my options? I'd rather not blow this machine away since I don't have a backup of the current Intranet site. The server was just finalized late last night. This kid that created the site has copies on his laptop, but he's on his way back to North Carolina.
So far I haven't found anything relative to upgrading dynamic disks but I'm still searching. Thanks in advance for any help y'all can provide.
Sean Martin, MCSE
Network Administrator
Ribelin Lowell & Company
Insurance Brokers, Inc.
3111 C Street, Suite 300
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Ph: (907) 561-1250
Fax: (907) 561-4315
Cell: (907) 229-0885

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