.. As in all mergers/acquisitions, the logistics of merging
   the companies becomes a nightmare. I know Compaq struggled
   with this after the Digital & Tandem acquisition. It was partly
   due to the high-tech world going soft but this group I'm in
   now has had 6 different managers since I've been here. The
   reporting structure has changed 3-4 times. It becomes difficult
   at the micro level to accomplish things.
..It it doesn't bring better products and services, we'll see another
  merger/acquisition probably.


--- Jim Underwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Interesting articles at  <http://www.infoworld.com>
> www.infoworld.com:
> *      <http://www.infoworld.com/articles/hn/xml/01/09/04/010904hnhp.xml>
> HP, Compaq target enterprise, services markets in $25 billion
> acquisition
> *
> Merger highlights role of HP's Fiorina
> While the merger may not guarantee an improvement in
> sales/performance, does
> anyone see a downside to the merger (other than HP/Compaq employees
> who will
> lose their job when duplicate positions are eliminated)?
> Do you expect the merger to provide better products and services?
> Best Regards, 
> JMU 
> http://www.sunbelt-software.com/ntsysadmin_list_charter.htm

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