
I posted this to the list a bit ago:

I have an NT 4 domain, and am adding a 2000 Pro machine to it. This machine
will be a public terminal, so I have created a rectricted logon and would
like this machine to only use those credentials. I configured autologon with
the appropriate registry entries, and the autologon does work when the
machine is rebooted. However if the machine is simply logged off and then
back on without restarting, the normal logon screen appears with the
username and password blank. If the machine is rebooted at that point,
autologon works properly. Sometimes when autologon fails, the registry
entries will change-the DefaultPassword key will be simply gone, two values
named AltDefaultUsename and AltDefaultDomainName will appear, AutoAdminLogon
will be set to 0, and DontDisplayLastUsername is set to 1. No 2000 Local
policies or NT 4 Domain policies are in effect on this computer.I could just
disable the logoff button, however that makes administering the machine a
bit more difficult. Has anyone else ran into this strange behavior?

I had a chance to speak with MS tech support and the resolution is an
undocumented registry key as follows:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\Winlogon

Add a string value named ForceAutoLogon and set it to 1. Problem gone. Hope
this helps someone.


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