Summer of last year we purchased Winport.  We wanted to create a RAS 
server, and eliminate individual modems on users' desks.  We installed the 
software on the server (NT4), and the clients (NT4), and everything was fine.

Earlier this year, however, we started rolling out w2k, primarily on our 
clients.  (The RAS server is still currently NT4.)  We have had 
difficulties with the w2k clients.  Initially, we gave up on winport on w2k 
and kept an extra NT4 client or two in the Finance Dept, so people could 
perform their banking tasks.  Now we're trying to spend the time to get 
past this problem, and we still aren't having any luck.

Winport on w2k DOES work...when we only want to use Hyper Terminal.  But 
SOME of the staff need to use ProComm.  And every time the client hangs 
when trying to interrogate the winport modem for 'fax modem' 
capabilities.  (This only happens the very FIRST time none cranks up 
ProComm.  Subsequent uses no longer 'check'.)  If there is a way to 'fake 
out' ProComm, we don't know it.  Does anyone know how?

We also have a couple users who use WinFax Pro.  It APPEARS that the EXACT 
same problem exists.  When one tries to crank up WinFax for the first time, 
the PC hangs while Winport is checking on the 'fax modem' capabilities.

We're using Digi boards in our RAS server.  They DO have fax modem 
capabilities.  Under NT4 the apps pass this test.  But we can't figure out 
what the heck in w2k is causing the hang.  We would appreciate hearing from 
anyone who might know.  :)

As always, thanks in advance and we appreciate your help.

Thomas Smith
IT Supervisor, AKA: Systems Administrator,
Network Administrator, Database Administrator,
Security Administrator, Email Administrator,
Telecommunications Administrator, Webmaster
Henry Co Water and Sewerage Authority
770.957.6659 (v)   /   770.898.8416 (f)

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