Sorry that this isn't threaded as I subscribe to the
digest only.

We've actually worked with many support folks at
Microsoft for over a year on a problem that covered
this very issue. It arose because there is really no
_good_ way to add new plug and play drivers to a
standard build.

The obvious solution would be to FIX sysprep so that
it searches down a tree for new PnP drivers rather
than having to explicitly define _each_ new driver
directory (one cannot put all drivers in the same
directory since some manufacturers may use the same
name for an inf or driver file. Plus it becomes
unmanageable).  Since dev groups don't seem to talk to
each other at MS, the search technology used elsewhere
for PnP detection was not incorporated into sysprep. 
The most MS could do for us was to fix a couple of
serious path length limitation bugs related to
sysprep.  (Sysprep is completely revamped in XP.) 

The other - less accceptable but still manageable -
solution would be to allow users to manage their own
.cab files and reference them in drvindex.inf. MS does
not support this method and will not provide any
information for doing so, even though they themselves
do it for SP updates and obviously know how it can be
done properly (and SP updates are more complex since
it must also handle WFP).  Nor do they allow
modification of the original file.  

(As an aside, there is a way to edit DosNet.inf to
include a new .inf (to modify the DevicePath) and
modify TxtSetup.INF (so the new .inf is executed)  I
don't know if MS now officially supports it, but they
suggested it at one time.  It didn't suit our needs
since we are relying on clone/pnp rather than on 
unattended installs for our deployment methodology
since it is much faster.) 

I'd be VERY interested if you can get this to work
since nothing that MS has provided us indicates that
it is feasible.



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