I just did that and it ran just fine. The Task scheduler log reported
"task completed with exit code (0)".
I've paid attention to the rights and privileges context and
environment. No problem here.
I don't know if the "idle time" property has any impact here. I
mentioned that the schedule is for after hours, after several hours of
inactivity on the server (MS described this as no mouse clicks or
keyboard input), hoping to elicit some comment from someone who may have
encountered this.

-----Original Message-----
From: Clark, Steve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 12:11 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Win 2000 Task Scheduler - Error Code explanation

Try running the batch from the scheduler and watch what it does. You'll
either it's a rights or a default directory issue.

Steve Clark
Clark Systems Support, LLC
AVIEN Charter Member
        301-610-9584 voice
        240-465-0323 Efax

-----Original Message-----
From: Mohamed A. Karimullah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 12:12 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Win 2000 Task Scheduler - Error Code explanation

A batch program when run manually or scheduled to run in a minute or two
(for testing) runs successfully. When scheduled for after hours with no
activity for about 6 hours or so, the Task Scheduler log file reports
..."The task completed with an exit code of (1)".

An exit code of (0) refers to a successful task. What does exit code (1)
signify? As I'm at it what does exit code (2331) imply? Where among the
plethora of literature did MS put an explanation of these exit codes?

The Task Scheduler runs on a Win 2000 Adv server in an NT 4 Domain. The
Batch job is a simple copy and unzipping operation.


Mohamed A Karimullah
Network Engineer
2 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005
T -(212) 233-1155
F -(212) 233-2244




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