can it be that you have a HOST file with incorrect IP->host mapping on a machine
from which you cannot ping?

When you ping by name, does it resolve the name correctly?  Does it resolve the
name at all?

Andrey Kalinin

Please respond to "NT System Admin Issues"
 To:      "NT System Admin Issues"                            
          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             
 cc:      (bcc: Andrey Kalinin/FIS)                           
 Subject: cannot ping by name                                 

Hi guys,

>From one particular server, I cannot ping "some" servers by name. I can ping
the same servers by IP address or I can do nslookup. I am sure it is not name
servers issue because all other machines can ping any machine by name or IP
address on the network. I also checked the DNS entry on that particular
server, everything looks right. Any thought on this? You can be sarcastic!! I
don't mind. By the way, this is the only 2000 server on an NT network, if that
makes any difference!.


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