Can you delete the files from the Recovery Console?
Else boot to a DOS disk if you're using FAT32 or sysinternal's R/W NTFS
One of the things I like to do (when I have the time) is install a fresh
copy of NT/2000 on a small partition, just in case I don't have R/W NTFS
support somewhere else. It's saved my butt many times....

-----Original Message-----
From: Better Net Office [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 10:40 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: God rights for account administrator was "Event log full
but access denied error?"

> Yes you can remove everything in that dir., take the event log service
> offline remove the files then restart it.

Nope, can't remove files in the event dir, as says file in use. can't stop
event service as it doesn't have a stop button. Can't change settings on
event viewer as when you click on disable, the hourglass just sits there,
forever and doesn't do anything.

Tried all of the above in safe mode..........same result.


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