And, regardless of who "jumps" in first, the Brits are always at our side in
every conflict or tough touchy world situation that I can remember and I'm
62 years old.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 2:40 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: FW: NewYork Terrorist Attack

With great reluctance, I'm jumping into this particular discussion feet

Just for the record, this American, and many other Americans I know, have
always... *always*... had the utmost respect for the way England fought
during WWII. They showed tremendous courage, conviction, determination and
fortitude. No American alive today can relate to the endless bombardment of
London, night after night that the British survived and continued fighting
through. Yes, America entered the war, and together, we fought and won many
battles. But, and this can certainly not be said for the
all-too-quick-to-surrender France, this world would not be the world we know
today had England not fought as it did during WWII.


 -----Original Message-----
From:   Heywood, Greg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent:   Wednesday, September 12, 2001 3:31 PM
To:     NT System Admin Issues
Subject:        RE: FW: NewYork Terrorist Attack

I would also like to point out that WWII started because Hitler attacked
Poland. Not because he attacked the rest of Europe or the UK. 

Both the UK and France decided enough was enough (I think it is fair to say
that France were a little more reluctant on this point), and declared war on
Germany. Certainly neither country (especially the UK) had to. Even before
the war Hitler was a great admirer of the British and the British Empire and
had considered plans for the two great empires side by side. He was also
very eager to sign treaties with the British even after hostilities started.

Just like WWI, the British did not have to get involved either, but they
did. We also lost hundreds, and hundreds of thousands of people, and did pay
back a huge proportion of our debt after the war. That was one thing with
brought Thatcher and Regan so close together. 

I just think it should be clear that while the US did do a great job, and it
was very brave and courageous to enter the wars, we entered them before, and
we entered from the start. 

I would hate anyone to think that the US was the only country that

And, since I don't think I have said to this list, everyone in the US, and
all those affected throughout the world have my deepest sympathies and

Now, back to that SMS distribution which will probably keep me up all night


-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Woody [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 12 September 2001 17:42
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: FW: NewYork Terrorist Attack

Trust me.  By the time Pearl Harbor was involved, it was a forgone
conclusion that America was involved on both fronts.  We were already
sending raw materials and weapons (guns, tanks, planes, etc.).  All that was
missing was our people to shoot, drive, and fly them.

America declared war on Japan but had already committed to everything but
"headcount" on the other front also.  Again, I would like to point out
though that this is exactly what Europe had asked for.  Perhaps America
needs to revisit this policy of helping out rather than "stepping-in" and
trying to solve everything.  Although in this case, war was the eventual
outcome (and of Kuwait also), this is not necessarily true of Bosnia,
Somalia and a host of others that we got involved in.  Of course those are
my 2 cents.  Maybe people looking back in 50 years will know things we


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/12/01 10:13AM >>>
Except that the US declared war on Japan only.  Germany and Italy
declared war on the US after that.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Horst Hinz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 8:14 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: FW: NewYork Terrorist Attack
> OK, I don't want to get into a huge debate or anything, but 
> if I remember my history correctly, America was sitting out 
> WWII until Pearl Harbour.  Sure they provided equipment to 
> the British, but Europe was on it's own until someone hit the 
> US and THEIR security was threatened.  So in effect, America 
> was fighting for itself as well.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jay Woody [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 8:01 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: FW: NewYork Terrorist Attack
> >> We all won the war...
> >> The Allies. Their decendants. Those of us here.
> >> We all lost people in WWII.
> The point being here that until America entered into the 
> fray, it was not boding well for ALL of Europe.  Numerous 
> countries were defeated and had already surrendered.  Yes, we 
> all won the war, but we all weren't responsible for that win 
> as many of the "teams" had already left the playing field.  
> And it obviously wasn't going well before America got 
> involved. This goes back to the point that America does care 
> about it's "neighbors". "We all won the war..." seems a 
> little flippant and not in understanding with what was going 
> on at the time.  I can tell you that we WEREN'T all winning 
> the war until America came over and gave it's kids for 
> foreign soil. Europeans were fighting to protect themselves.  
> Americans were fighting for Europeans, our "neighbors".  To 
> now say that we wouldn't care if this (the terrorist attack) 
> had happened anywhere in the world  is just silly.

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