I can use this.  I'd appreciate if you can send me the code.  Thanks.

John Chu
System Engineer
E-Business Department
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

"Steve Kelsay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 09/13/2001 10:28:56 AM

Please respond to "NT System Admin Issues"

To:   "NT System Admin Issues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  Re: OT: Automated e-mail-sending application?

I wrote a module for doing this in VB if you would like the code.

Steve Kelsay
Network Administration Group
South Carolina Department of Revenue
301 Gervais Street
Columbia, SC 29201

(803) 898-5522

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/13/01 11:09AM >>>
This isn't NT-specific, and for that I apologize. I wasn't sure where
else to turn, though, for some expert advice.

The Superintendent of our school district wants to be able to have an
e-mail message automatically sent to staff members on their birthday.
Can anyone recommend a simple application that will accomplish this?

John Hornbuckle
Network Manager
Taylor County School District
318 North Clark Street
Perry, FL 32347




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