Has anyone seen the below unsolicited message? Where do we report this to
check the validity of these emails/organizations?



Subject: Please help the families of the brave Firefighters that lost the

Dear <  >, 

In the nation's most horrific tragedy ever, hundreds of courageous firemen
left their families and risked their lives to save others. These firemen
exhibited a courage that no one can ever imagine. Many of these firemen have
died in the tragedy, leaving behind families that are in need. 

Please take the next few minutes to write a check for $10, $25, $50, $100,
$250, $500 or more and send it to the Uniformed Firefighters Association
Widow's and Children's Fund. 

For more information on the Uniformed Firefighters Association Widow's and
Children's Fund, please click here. 

Let's help their families by making a donation. Even the smallest amount
will help. Please forward this email to as many people you can.
Send your check to: 

UFA, Widows and Children's Fund
c/o Uniformed Firefighters Association
204 East 23rd Street, 5th floor
New York, NY 10010 

Thank you, your friends at National Brands   

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