Title: Message

I am doing my best impression of a broken record here, but have worked in a Library before, so I kind of understand what you are up against. As you are using Windows 2000 machines, use Group Policies if possible (W2K Server running AD required) If not, then just use the local policies. To give you an idea of what we have done here using policies…



  • All drives are hidden in My Computer (this disables access to local drives from a command prompt, and from IE as well)
  • My Network Places is not on the desktop
  • There is no file menu in My Computer, Windows Explorer, IE, or any other app on the machines
  • You cannot right click anything
  • You cannot overwrite favourites


There’s more as well, but basically, it gives you an idea of what can be done with the policies. I was away from the office, and someone from a trusted company next door was asked to help out, and they couldn’t get the machine to do anything aside from run the apps folks were supposed to have access to. The real beauty of this in AD is that you can do this by Organisational Unit Membership. If I log onto any of the aforementioned computers as my admin account, I can access the whole machine. If anyone in the group I locked down logs on, the restrictions are back in place. Personally, I think MS has done a great job with this, and has made implementing policies much, much easier than under NT 4. (Do I get my free beta software now Bill?)


Clayton Doige
IT Manager MCSE, MCP + I
Gameday International N.V. 
Bound in a nutshell, King of infinite space...

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-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Gamblin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
: Monday, September 17, 2001 4:49 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: IE Question


I have 5 new library computers that they only want to run IE6 on for serching there internet databases. (The machines are W2k, SP2, IE6, 933MHZ 256 MGS.. Yeah I know over kill, but thats what they wanted.)

Is there a way to make IE load as the shell, or a way to only make that the only app that can run?



Jerry Gamblin
Technology Specialist

Linn State Technical College
One Technology Drive
Linn, MO  65051



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