Title: Message

Greg –


Here’s what I do:


Each Sunday night at 0 dark thirty, this bath file runs:

@echo off

REM           Created by Steve Clark - Clark Systems Support, LLC

REM                       to automatically backup the registry and such

REM                       Copies to \\server\drivers\erd\%computername%

REM                       Date: 2/17/00

%windir%\system32/rdisk /s-

if not exist d:\drivers\winnt\erd\%computername% md d:\drivers\winnt\erd\%computername%

copy %windir%\repair\*.* d:\drivers\winnt\erd\%computername%\


The one time per month, I email the zip files to myself using BLAT

REM This will email the ERD for all

REM     servers at office

REM     Created 6/10 by Steve Clark - Clark Systems Support, LLC

REM     ------------------------------------------

d:\drivers\winnt\erd\pkzip.exe d:\drivers\winnt\erd\server.zip d:\drivers\winnt\erd\server\*.*

c:\blat\blat c:\blat\erd.txt -s "ERD's for office" -t [EMAIL PROTECTED] -attach d:\drivers\winnt\erd\server.zip


It may not be the prettiest solution but I now have the ERD’s in my office, on the backup tape as well as on a different server than the source.


Steve Clark

Clark Systems Support, LLC

AVIEN Charter Member


          301-610-9584 voice

          240-465-0323 Efax


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Page [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 10:00 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Automated ERD's?


How about the direct link!




-----Original Message-----
From: Alston, Steve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 4:29 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Automated ERD's?

There was a script in the Feb 2001 edition of Windows 2000 Magazine.  You should be able to get it from their website www.win2000mag.com





-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Wright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 4:30 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Automated ERD's?

I know there are a couple products to help automate the ERD generation process, but do any of you have a script or batch file to do the same thing?  Care to share?


What central location do you recommend for storing these files?  What happens if it crashes?


Roger Wright

Southern Commerce Bank




If you don't go to people's funerals, they won't come to yours.




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