
There is a new, but much more invasive code red type attack in progress NOW.

Check your web servers.

Details sketchy, but characteristics below.

Adrian Cooper.

This worm does the following:

1) Port scans IP addresses looking for open port 80 (web servers). Upon finding
a web server, it makes 16 different attempts to gain control, basically using
every major exploit in the book. If it gains control, it infects that web

2) Upon infecting a webserver, it creats an open C drive share, and then
attempts to spread via network shares.

3) It creates the above named file, and modifies the infected web server's pages
(html & asp) pages to download the virus to folks viewing that web page. So,
anyone accessing an infected server will be presented with a popup to download
or open the file. There is a rumor that the e m l version will not present the
popup, it will automatically download and open in IE5.

4) Infected users computers will join in on the DDOS portscan/attack

5) Infected users computers will also spread via the normal Outlook e-Mail
addressbook methods.

Symantec has rated the threat level as a 4, SEVERE

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